beforehand是一个雅思常考词汇,这个词的常用解释为ad. 预先, 事先,这个词在很多英文原版小说中怎么应用呢,今天小编就带您了解一下。
-- Then having bade farewell, he embarked upon those two minutes which he had allotted to looking into himself; he knew beforehand what he was going to think about.
-- There's a venomous hint for you, if you like!No, no!there's no insanity there!Of course I refuse to believe that Evgenie Pavlovitch could have known beforehand of the catastrophe; that is, that at such and such a day at seven o'clock, and all that; but he might well have had a presentiment of the truth.
-- Every party of convicts on its way to Siberia knew beforehand that on the Vorobeef Hills the 'old general' would pay them a visit.
-- He pulled them out and showed them to everyone; he protested that he had not liked to put one in beforehand for fear of an accidental explosion in his pock-et.
-- She always knew beforehand when she was going to blush, long before the blush came.
-- Notwithstanding that the fact had been notorious beforehand to all the tea-drinkers, and had been discussed and expatiated on at every tea-drinking in the neighbourhood for the last twelve months, this official communication was no sooner made than they all began to talk at once and to vie with each other in vehemence and volubility.
-- You feared that I should be beforehand with you.
-- But allow me to tell you that in exploring Vigo Bay you have only been beforehand with a rival society."
-- One could judge beforehand that the cachalots would be victorious, not only because they were better built for attack than their inoffensive adversaries, but also because they could remain longer under water without coming to the surface.
-- We must be beforehand with it, that is all."
-- "Well," he said, "if you know beforehand you couldn't stand it, you're safe."
-- Whatever was required to be done, the Circumlocution Office was beforehand with all the public departments in the art of perceiving HOW NOT TO DO IT.
-- 'Have you ever known it to be beforehand in the adoption of any useful thing?
-- John Baptist, staring at him with eyes opened to their utmost width, made a number of those national, backhanded shakes of the right forefinger in the air, as if he were resolved on negativing beforehand everything that the other could possibly advance during the whole term of his life.
-- After this great success, which he supposed to be a failure, he gave them 'Mr Chivery and his brother officers;' whom he had beforehand presented with ten pounds each, and who were all in attendance.
-- Mrs. Chester fancied beforehand that it would be easy to deliver this little speech, but when the time came, she found it rather difficult to utter it naturally, with Amy's -unsuspicious eyes looking straight at her full of surprise and trouble.
-- It had been tacitly understood beforehand that she was to get work and pay her board.
-- "That's too bad," he said, realising that he had been a little beforehand in his offer and that Carrie was about to go away.