
发布时间:2021-12-28 13:01:14


anybody是一个雅思常考词汇,这个词的常用解释为pron. (否定句) 任何人; (肯定句) 随便哪个人,这个词在很多英文原版小说中怎么应用呢,今天小编就带您了解一下。



-- Occasionally the children came with me; when they did so, they would stand some way off and keep guard over us, so as to tell me if anybody came near.

-- Well, gentlemen, I suppose I must set a good example!What vex-es me much is that I am such an insignificant creature that it matters nothing to anybody whether I have done bad ac-tions or not!Besides, which am I to choose?

-- It is impossible!As if anybody would go to their death deliberately!'

-- 'Well, how anybody can call you an idiot after that, is more than I can understand!'

-- He thinks he won't disturb anybody if he goes three yards away, into the park, and blows his brains out there.'



-- Kaa was not a poison snake in fact he rather despised the poison snakes as cowards but his strength lay in his hug, and when he had once lapped his huge coils round anybody there was no more to be said.

-- The dark never hurt anybody yet.'

-- 'Anybody can be forgiven for being scared in the night, I think, if they see things they don't understand.



-- I don't know that anybody can do anything for me."

-- "I didn't care what anybody thought.



-- She gives it cheerfully as you see, and it would break her heart if she knew that I suffered anybody else to do for me what her little hands could undertake.

-- It's all very fine to talk,' said Mrs Quilp with much simplicity, 'but I know that if I was to die to-morrow, Quilp could marry anybody he pleased now that he could, I know!'

-- Quilp would certainly suffer nobody to contract him but the boy, and the boy would assuredly not have submitted to be so knocked about by anybody but Quilp, when he had the power to run away at any time he chose.

-- Mr Quilp, either because frightening anybody afforded him a constitutional delight, or because it was pleasant to contemplate the death of Mrs Quilp number one, and the elevation of Mrs Quilp number two to her post and title, or because he was determined from purposes of his own to be agreeable and good-humoured at that particular time, only laughed and feigned to take no heed of her alarm.

-- 'Never mind,' said the boy, nodding his head and rubbing it at the same time; 'you see if ever I offer to strike anybody again because they say you're an uglier dwarf than can be seen anywheres for a penny, that's all.'



-- 'We can talk,' said the Tiger-lily: 'when there's anybody worth talking to.'

-- 'I never saw anybody that looked stupider,' a Violet said, so suddenly, that Alice quite jumped; for it hadn't spoken before.

-- 'It can't be anybody else!'



-- But though I was so terrified by the idea of the seafaring man with one leg, I was far less afraid of the captain himself than anybody else who knew him.

-- Yet, I think, none treated him better than a dog, unless it was Ben Gunn, who was still terribly afraid of his old quartermaster, or myself, who had really something to thank him for; although for that matter, I suppose, I had reason to think even worse of him than anybody else, for I had seen him meditating a fresh treachery upon the plateau.



-- "No, I shouldn't let anybody take my hat off my head."

-- Anybody who is anything can just be himself and do as he likes."

-- "Painters, musicians, writers hangers-on, models, advanced young people, anybody who is openly at outs with the conventions, and belongs to nowhere particularly.



-- It swore every boy to stick to the band, and never tell any of the secrets; and if anybody done anything to any boy in the band, whichev-er boy was ordered to kill that person and his family must do it, and he mustn't eat and he mustn't sleep till he had killed them and hacked a cross in their breasts, which was the sign of the band.







