fry是一个雅思常考词汇,这个词的常用解释为v. 油煎, 油炒,这个词在很多英文原版小说中怎么应用呢,今天小编就带您了解一下。
-- Martin blared at Dr. Ockford, "Get t'hell out of this, Rufus, and take charge of the department for today--I'm out--I'm dead--and oh, say, get Leora home and fry her a couple o' eggs, and you might bring me a Denver sandwich from the Sunset Trail Lunch, will you?"
-- Sometimes Strickland would go down to the reef, and come back with a basket of small, coloured fish that Ata would fry in cocoa-nut oil, or with a lobster; and sometimes she would make a savoury dish of the great land-crabs that scuttled away under your feet.
-- The club receivedhim with transport, and held an harmonic meeting that evening inhis honour; while Mrs. Micawber and I had a lamb's fry in private,surrounded by the sleeping family.
-- When she had exhibited these leviathans of public announcement to the astonished child, she brought forth specimens of the lesser fry in the shape of hand-bills, some of which were couched in the form of parodies on popular melodies, as 'Believe me if all Jarley's wax-work so rare' 'I saw thy show in youthful prime' 'Over the water to Jarley;' while, to consult all tastes, others were composed with a view to the lighter and more facetious spirits, as a parody on the favourite air of 'If I had a donkey,' beginning,If I know'd a donkey wot wouldn't goTo see Mrs JARLEY'S wax-work show,Do you think I'd acknowledge him?
-- Mr. Bounderby, under the influence of this difficult adjuration, backed up by her compassionate eye, could only scratch his head in a feeble and ridiculous manner, and afterwards assert himself at a distance, by being heard to bully the small fry of business all the morning.
-- 'She will be back soon, I think, so fry your cakes, and have everything ready,' said Meg, looking over the pres-ents which were collected in a basket and kept under the sofa, ready to be produced at the proper time.
-- I know some o' you has berry brig mout, brigger dan oders; but den de brig mouts sometimes has de small bellies; so dat de brigness of de mout is not to swaller wid, but to bit off de blubber for de small fry ob sharks, dat can't get into de scrouge to help demselves."
-- In the long try watches of the night it is a common thing for the seamen to dip their ship-biscuit into the huge oil-pots and let them fry there awhile.
-- 'Here they are,' says he; 'here's our captain and fifty men with him, have been hunting you these two hours; the boatswain is killed; Will Fry is wounded, and I am a prisoner; and if you do not yield you are all lost.'
-- Instead, a comparatively large and commodious chamber with conveniences not enjoyed by the small fry overhead.
-- No, it is better to fry you in a pan!Or shall I drink you?
-- No, the best way is to fry you in the pan.
-- I'll fry you in the pan with the others.