
发布时间:2021-12-28 13:01:13


comic是一个雅思常考词汇,这个词的常用解释为a. 滑稽的, 喜剧的; n. 连环漫画杂志; 喜剧演员,这个词在很多英文原版小说中怎么应用呢,今天小编就带您了解一下。



-- It was evident to Levin that Sviazhsky knew an answer to this gentleman's complaints, which would at once demolish his whole contention, but that in his position he could not give utterance to this answer, and listened, not without pleasure, to the landowner's comic speeches.

-- Slapping Turovtsin on the shoulder, he whispered something comic in his ear, and set him down by his wife and the old prince.

-- Only in the Northern Beetle, in a comic article on the singer Drabanti, who had lost his voice, there was a contemptuous allusion to Koznishev's book, suggesting that the book had been long ago seen through by everyone, and was a subject of general ridicule.



-- Yet they were not comic whiskers; they were the whiskers of dignity; and his eyes were serious, his step an earnest trot, his voice a piping solemnity.

-- That a number of children quite adequately died did not make them relinquish their comic epic.

-- "He speaks no meaner of the ridiculous faith-healers and chiropractors than he does of the doctors that want to snatch our science before it is tested and rush around hoping they heal people, and spoiling all the clues with their footsteps; and worse than the men like hogs, worse than the imbeciles who have not even heard of science, he hates pseudo-scientists, guess-scientists-- like these psycho-analysts; and worse than those comic dream- scientists he hates the men that are allowed in a clean kingdom like biology but know only one text-book and how to lecture to nincompoops all so popular!He is the only real revolutionary, the authentic scientist, because he alone knows how liddle he knows.

-- Now I'm terribly sleepy--" Leora seized his lapels, as comic fierce as a boxing kitten, but her eyes were not comic, nor her wailing voice; age-old wail of the soldiers' women: "Sandy, don't you know I haven't any life outside of you?



-- Very comic cases of that sort sometimes occur.

-- 'And to be sure you're right: God has given me a figure that can awaken none but comic ideas in other people; a buffoon; but let me tell you, and I repeat it, excuse an old man, my dear Rodion Romanovitch, you are a 482 Crime and Punishmentman still young, so to say, in your first youth and so you put intellect above everything, like all young people.

-- You've really a playful mind!And you always fasten on the comic side 芒聙娄 he-he!They say that was the marked charac-teristic of Gogol, among the writers.'



-- PoorTraddles- I never think of that boy but with a strange dispositionto laugh, and with tears in my eyes- was a sort of chorus, ingeneral, and affected to be convulsed with mirth at the comic parts,and to be overcome with fear when there was any passage of analarming character in the narrative.

-- He was a sober, steady-lookingyoung man of retiring manners, with a comic head of hair, andeyes that were rather wide open; and he got into an obscure cornerso soon, that I had some diffi- culty in making him out.



-- Not, however, until Biddy had imparted to me everything she knew, from the little catalogue of prices, to a comic song she had once bought for a half-penny.

-- I use the word natural, in the sense of its being unaffected; there was something comic in his distraught way, as though it would have been downright ludicrous but for his own perception that it was very near being so.

-- And Herbert had seen him as a predatory Tartar of comic propensities, with a face like a red brick, and an outrageous hat all over bells.

-- The second piece was the last new grand comic Christmas pantomime, in the first scene of which, it pained me to suspect that I detected Mr. Wopsle with red worsted legs under a highly magnified phosphoric countenance and a shock of red curtain-fringe for his hair, engaged in the manufacture of thunderbolts in a mine, and displaying great cowardice when his gigantic master came home (very hoarse) to dinner.



-- 'That'h Jack the Giant Killer piethe of comic infant bithnith,' said Sleary.

-- 'There'th a property-houthe, you thee, for Jack to hide in; there'th my Clown with a thauthepan-lid and a thpit, for Jack'th thervant; there'th little Jack himthelf in a thplendid thoot of armour; there'th two comic black thervanth twithe ath big ath the houthe, to thtand by it and to bring it in and clear it; and the Giant (a very ecthpenthive bathket one), he an't on yet.

-- You muthn't mind your thon having a comic livery on.'

-- In a preposterous coat, like a beadle's, with cuffs and flaps exaggerated to an unspeakable extent; in an immense waistcoat, knee-breeches, buckled shoes, and a mad cocked hat; with nothing fitting him, and everything of coarse material, moth-eaten and full of holes; with seams in his black face, where fear and heat had started through the greasy composition daubed all over it; anything so grimly, detestably, ridiculously shameful as the whelp in his comic livery, Mr. Gradgrind never could by any other means have believed in, weighable and measurable fact though it was.

-- 'Will any coach ''I don't mean that he thould go in the comic livery,' said Sleary.



-- He pushed back his hat in an odd comic way.



-- Cavallooro (I stick at his very name to start with, and it sounds like the chorus to a comic song) is so necessary to you, that I don't like the thought of taking him away.

-- 'True,' said Bar, with his light-comedy laugh for special jury-men, which was a very different thing from his low-comedy laugh for comic tradesmen on common juries: 'he has been in Parliament for some time.



