
发布时间:2021-12-28 13:01:13


claim是一个雅思常考词汇,这个词的常用解释为n. 要求; 有所根据而索取的款项; 要求权; 要求之物; v. 要求承认; 宣称; 值得,这个词在很多英文原版小说中怎么应用呢,今天小编就带您了解一下。



-- They advanced in front with perfect gravity, choosing the best route by instinct, and fully alive to their claim to respect.

-- And so it was; on January 29, 1840, the English corvette HERALD arrived to claim possession.

-- Glenarvan pressed her to his heart, and Mary Grant went closer to John Mangles, and said hurriedly:"Lord and Lady Glenarvan cannot but think if a wife may claim death at her husband's hands, to escape a shameful life, a betrothed wife may claim death at the hands of her betrothed husband, to escape the same fate.



-- 'Thank you; I am afraid I cannot claim her acquain-tance.

-- How could he claim it with-out causing suspicion and inquiry?'

-- He might claim the property from South America, establish his identity be-fore the British authorities there and so obtain the fortune without ever coming to England at all; or he might adopt an elaborate disguise during the short time that he need be in London; or, again, he might furnish an accomplice with the proofs and papers, putting him in as heir, and retaining a claim upon some proportion of his income.



-- His claim for the charity he desired seemed based on the fact that in the days of his prosperity he had given away as much as fifteen roubles at a time.

-- The estate was considerably encumbered with debts; creditors turned up on all sides, and the prince, in spite of all advice and entreaty, insisted upon managing all matters of claim himself which, of course, meant satisfying everybody all round, although half the claims were absolutely fraudulent.

-- You see that is quite a different thing, for how many sinners there are, how many women, who have passed through the trials of this life, are now suffering and groaning in purga-tory!I prayed for you, too, in spite of your insolence and impudence, also for your fellows, as it seems that you claim to know how I pray芒聙娄' 'Oh!that's enough in all conscience!Pray for whom you choose, and the devil take them and you!We have a scholar here; you did not know that, prince?'

-- The house was a large gloomylooking structure, without the slightest claim to architectural beauty, in colour a dirty green.

-- They are calling in some legal chicanery, and upon that ground they are threatening to turn us out of the house!Really, prince, do you think we are such fools as not to be aware that this matter does not come within the law, and that legally we cannot claim a rouble from you?



-- Because heaven has so richly endowed you with the arts of war, you think that you must therefore excel others in counsel; but you cannot thus claim preeminence in all things.

-- A runaway like yourself has no claim to so great a reputation.

-- And Antilochus answered, 'Forgive me; I am much younger, King Menelaus, than you are; you stand higher than I do and are the better man of the two; you know how easily young men are betrayed into indiscretion; their tem-pers are more hasty and they have less judgement; make due allowances therefore, and bear with me; I will of my own accord give up the mare that I have won, and if you claim any further chattel from my own possessions, I would rath-er yield it to you, at once, than fall from your good graces henceforth, and do wrong in the sight of heaven.'

-- Never was my altar stinted of its dues, nor of the drink-offerings and savour of sacrifice which we claim of right.



-- And what possible claim could the Miss Dashwoods, who were related to him only by half blood, which she considered as no relationship at all, have on his generosity to so large an amount.

-- In Colonel Brandon alone, of all her new acquaintance, did Elinor find a person who could in any degree claim the respect of abilities, excite the interest of friendship, or give pleasure as a companion.

-- I shall keep it only till you can claim it.

-- "There certainly are circumstances," said Willoughby, "which might greatly endear it to me; but this place will always have one claim of my affection, which no other can possibly share."

-- Whereas, in my opinion, by her taking so much notice of you, and treating you in this kind of way, she has given you a sort of claim on her future consideration, which a conscientious woman would not disregard.



-- She could not help feeling the claim of each trinket and valuable upon her personally, and yet she did not stop.

-- She had not lived, could not lay claim to having lived, until something of this had come into her own life.

-- The disease of brooding was beginning to claim him as a victim.

-- Drouet abandoned his claim and was seen no more.






