bottom是一个雅思常考词汇,这个词的常用解释为n. 底(部) ; 基础, 根基; 海底, 湖底, 河床,这个词在很多英文原版小说中怎么应用呢,今天小编就带您了解一下。
-- "But it is a lucky thing the shark swallowed them, I must say," added Glenarvan, "for the bottle would have sunk to the bottom before long with such a cork as this."
-- Even if she were to be told that her father's lifeless body had been found on a distant shore, or in the bottom of some abandoned ship, it would be a relief from incessant doubt and torturing suspense.
-- Ships of the largest tonnage find, throughout, sufficient depth of water, even close to the shore, and there is a good bottom everywhere, and abundance of fresh water, and rivers abounding in fish, and forests in game, and plenty of safe and accessible harbors; in fact a thousand things which are lacking in Strait Lemaire and Cape Horn, with its terrible rocks, incessantly visited by hurricane and tempest.
-- But before he had pulled the trigger the report of a gun resounded from the bottom of the valley.
-- On returning to the bottom of the tree, they found themselves, to their great surprise, in a sort of dim twilight, produced by myriads of luminous specks which appeared buzzing confusedly over the surface of the water.
-- What it all means I cannot guess, but there is some secret business going on in this house of gloom which sooner or later we shall get to the bottom of.
-- It is something to have touched bottom anywhere in this bog in which we are floundering.
-- Of course, wine is at the bottom of it all; but he is a good deal worse than an in-nocent liar now.
-- He hesitated no longer; but opened the glazed door at the bottom of the outer stairs and made his way up to the second storey.
-- She lay almost where she did at first, but not quite; and was turned, by the force of the waves and the winds, almost bottom upward, against a high ridge of beachy, rough sand, but no water about her.
-- If I had had hands to have refitted her, and to have launched her into the water, the boat would have done well enough, and I might have gone back into the Brazils with her eas-ily enough; but I might have foreseen that I could no more turn her and set her upright upon her bottom than I could remove the island; however, I went to the woods, and cut le-vers and rollers, and brought them to the boat resolving to try what I could do; suggesting to myself that if I could but turn her down, I might repair the damage she had received, and she would be a very good boat, and I might go to sea in her very easily.
-- It was not without infinite labour that I felled this tree; I was twenty days hacking and hewing at it at the bottom; I was fourteen more getting the branches and limbs and the vast spreading head cut off, which I hacked and hewed through with axe and hatchet, and inexpressible labour; after this, it cost me a month to shape it and dub it to a proportion, and to something like the bottom of a boat, that it might swim upright as it ought to do.
-- Marianne had at first the advantage, but a false step brought her suddenly to the ground; and Margaret, unable to stop herself to assist her, was involuntarily hurried along, and reached the bottom in safety.
-- I hope, from the bottom of my heart, he won't keep her waiting much longer, for it is quite grievous to see her look so ill and forlorn.
-- Trousers were all warped and frayed at the bottom and coats worn and faded.
-- Their trousers were mere bags, frayed at the bottom and wobbling over big, soppy shoes, torn at the sides and worn almost to shreds.
-- I took the bag to where it used to stand, and ripped a hole in the bottom of it with the saw, for there warn't no knives and forks on the place pap done ev-erything with his clasp-knife about the cooking.
-- I got out amongst the driftwood, and then laid down in the bottom of the canoe and let her float.
-- I started across to the town from a little below the ferry-landing, and the drift of the current fetched me in at the bottom of the town.
-- Chapter XV E judged that three nights more would fetch us to WCairo, at the bottom of Illinois, where the Ohio River comes in, and that was what we was after.
-- He jumped and got the canoe ready, and put his old coat in the bottom for me to set on, and give me the paddle; and as I shoved off, he says: 'Pooty soon I'll be a-shout'n' for joy, en I'll say, it's all on accounts o' Huck; I's a free man, en I couldn't ever ben free ef it hadn' ben for Huck; Huck done it.
-- And as he struggled and squirmed like an eel to escape from him, the Green Fisherman took a stout cord and tied him hand and foot, and threw him into the bottom of the tub with the others.
-- But feeling sorry for me, you tied a stone to my neck and threw me to the bottom of the sea.
-- The sailors were all saved, but the ship went right to the bottom of the sea, and the same Terrible Shark that swallowed me, swallowed most of it."