potato是一个雅思常考词汇,这个词的常用解释为n. 马铃薯, 土豆,这个词在很多英文原版小说中怎么应用呢,今天小编就带您了解一下。
-- The vegetable aliments consisted of edible ferns, sweet potatoes, the "convolvulus batatas," which was indigenous, and the potato which had been imported long before by the Europeans.
-- They had studied the forms of bacteria, they had handled Petri dishes and platinum loops, they had proudly grown on potato slices the harmless red cultures of Bacillus prodigiosus, and they had come now to pathogenic germs and the inoculation of a living animal with swift disease.
-- So he took a chop by the bone in one hand, and a potato in theother, and ate away with a very good appetite, to my extremesatisfaction.
-- 'May the present moment,' said Dick, sticking his fork into a large carbuncular potato, 'be the worst of our lives!I like the plan of sending 'em with the peel on; there's a charm in drawing a potato from its native element (if I may so express it) to which the rich and powerful are strangers.
-- He pitied her, but not as he pitied the peasant Menshov with his hands and face white as potato sprouts, and innocently languishing in an ill-smelling prison.
-- The table was covered with a gloomy cloth, an embroidered towel serving as a napkin, and on the table, in vieux-saxe, stood a soup-bowl with a broken handle, filled with potato soup and containing the same rooster that he had seen carried into the house on his arrival.
-- The general, bloated, with a potato nose and prominent bumps on his forehead, hairless pate and bags under his eyes, a man of sanguine temperament, was reclining in a silk morning gown, and with a cigarette in his hand, was drinking tea from a silver saucer.
-- Melly blushed, unaccustomed to such frankness, and signaled Peter to bring in the sweet potato pie.
-- There was a nibble of the tough old bird foreach, an adequate amount of dressing made of corn meal and seasoned with onions, a bowl of dried peas, and plenty ofrice and gravy, the latter somewhat watery, for there was no flour with which to thicken it For dessert, there was asweet potato pie followed by Rhett's bonbons, and when Rhett produced real Havana cigars for the gentlemen to enjoyover their glass of blackberry wine, everyone agreed it was indeed a Lucullan banquet When the gentlemen joined the ladies on the front porch, the talk turned to war.
-- "Even the sweet potato hills?"
-- He said he would split open a raw Irish potato and stick the quarter in between and keep it there all night, and next morning you couldn't see no brass, and it wouldn't feel greasy no more, and so anybody in town would take it in a minute, let alone a hair-ball.
-- Well, I knowed a potato would do that before, but I had forgot it.