applause是一个雅思常考词汇,这个词的常用解释为n. 鼓掌; 喝彩; 夸奖, 赞扬,这个词在很多英文原版小说中怎么应用呢,今天小编就带您了解一下。
-- I gave due inward applause to every object, and then I remembered how old Earnshaw used to come in when all was tidied, and call me a cant lass, and slip a shilling into my hand as a Christmas box; and from that I went on to think of his fondness for Heathcliff, and his dread lest he should suffer neglect after death had removed him: and that naturally led me to consider the poor lad's situation now, and from singing I changed my mind to crying.
-- A deep hum of applause rose not only from the two teachers, but from all the pupils, who were equally astonished to hear Miss Monflathers improvising after this brilliant style; for although she had been long known as a politician, she had never appeared before as an original poet.
-- There was a thunder of applause when the monologue ended.
-- Frequent indica-tions of applause escaped the listeners, who, as they uttered the expressive 'Hugh!'
-- Whenever he alluded to any present (and the subtle Indian neglected none), the dark countenance of the flattered in-dividual gleamed with exultation, nor did he even hesitate to assert the truth of the words, by gestures of applause and confirmation.
-- A low murmur of applause announced that the compli-ment of the tribe was favorably received.
-- A low exclamation of applause passed among the war-riors who exchanged looks with each other like men that first began to perceive their error.