conception是一个雅思常考词汇,这个词的常用解释为n. 概念, 观念,这个词在很多英文原版小说中怎么应用呢,今天小编就带您了解一下。
-- I racked my brain, but could in no way account for an action so contrary to my conception of him.
-- He was a man without any conception of gratitude.
-- But I suppose that everyone's conception of the passion is formed on his own idiosyncrasies, and it is different with every different person.
-- 'You'll have no conception of the value of your prize until you draw close to it.
-- "Yes, we have no conception of the life these unfortunates are leading, and it is necessary to know it," Nekhludoff added, looking at the old Prince, who, sitting at the table with a napkin tucked under his chin and a large glass before him, at that moment glanced at Nekhludoff.
-- "That is a strange conception of our ideas," said Novodvoroff, and he began to smoke angrily.
-- First: Though most men have some vague flitting ideas of the general perils of the grand fishery, yet they have nothing like a fixed, vivid conception of those perils, and the frequency with which they recur.
-- And by those negations, considered along with the affirmative fact of his prodigious bulk and power, you can best form to yourself the truest, though not the most exhilarating conception of what the most exalted potency is.
-- At such time, a mortal knows just enough of what his mind is doing, to form some glimmering conception of its mighty powers, its bounding from earth and spurning time and space, when freed from the restraint of its corporeal associate.
-- This was very amiable, but Charlotte's kindness extended farther than Elizabeth had any conception of; its object was noth- ing else than to secure her from any return of Mr. Collins's addresses, by engaging them towards herself.
-- Even then she would have had no conception of the relative value of the thing; her one thought would, undoubtedly, have concerned the pity of having so much power and the inability to use it.
-- "George is a fine fellow," said Drouet, rather gratified by his conception of the manager's interest.
-- She was distracted and uncertain, deciding and doing things without an aim or conclusion, and she had not the slightest conception of how the whole difficulty would end.
-- She was a gay little Manon, unwitting of society's fierce conception of morality, but, nevertheless, good to her neighbour and charitable.