disaster是一个雅思常考词汇,这个词的常用解释为n. 灾难, 大祸; 彻底的失败,这个词在很多英文原版小说中怎么应用呢,今天小编就带您了解一下。
-- Of the BRITANNIA and Captain Grant he knew nothing, but he was certain that the disaster had not happened on Amsterdam Island, nor on the islet called St. Paul, for whalers and fishing-vessels went there constantly, and must have heard of it.
-- About a quarter past three in the morning, twenty-five minutes after leaving Castlemaine, it arrived at Camden Bridge, where the terrible disaster befell.
-- I feared that some disaster might occur, for I was very fond of the old man, and I knew that his heart was weak.'
-- The latter, too, though he would prob-ably have received news of a great disaster to the Epanchin family with perfect composure, would nevertheless have considered it a personal offence if they had dared to marry their daughter without his advice, or we might almost say, his leave.
-- True, King Agamemnon son of Atreus is the cause of our disaster by having insulted the son of Peleus, still this is no reason why we should leave off fighting.
-- Then, O knight Patroclus, with a deep sigh you answered, 'Achilles, son of Peleus, foremost champion of the Achae-ans, do not be angry, but I weep for the disaster that has now befallen the Argives.
-- 'King Jove,' he cried, 'lord of Dodona, god of the Pelasgi, who dwellest afar, you who hold wintry Dodona in your sway, where your prophets the Selli dwell around you with their feet unwashed and their couches made upon the ground if you heard me when I prayed to you aforetime, and did me honour while you sent disaster on the Achaeans, vouchsafe me now the fulfil-ment of yet this further prayer.
-- Now, however, she had not told him how great a disaster had befallen him in the death of the one who was far dearest to him of all his comrades.
-- This disaster was the sudden collapse of the habits that had become part of his nature in the ten or more monotonous years he had spent on the island.
-- The unwonted cry had brought the sisters, together with the wounded David, from their place of refuge; and the whole party, at a single glance, was made acquainted with the na-ture of the disaster that had disturbed even the practiced stoicism of their youthful Indian protector.
-- I was sent by Major Effing-ham, at Sir William's own bidding, to outflank the French, and carry the tidings of their disaster across the portage, to the fort on the Hudson.
-- She was naturally of a gay, lively and peace-loving disposition, but from continual failures and misfortunes she had come to desire so keenly that all should live in peace and joy and should not dare to break the peace, that the slightest jar, the smallest disaster reduced her al-most to frenzy, and she would pass in an instant from the brightest hopes and fancies to cursing her fate and raving, and knocking her head against the wall.
-- The latter, I believe, he considered a matchfor any kind of disaster not absolutely mortal.
-- Letter 1To Mrs. Saville, England St. Petersburgh, Dec. 11th, 17 You will rejoice to hear that no disaster has accompanied the commencement of an enterprise which you have regard-ed with such evil forebodings.
-- 'I can offer you no consolation, my friend,' said he; 'your disaster is irreparable.
-- It beat with odd littlejerks; her hands were cold, and a feeling of disaster oppressed her.
-- Some of the cold sense of bewilderment and disaster that had weighted her down since the Tarleton boys told hertheir gossip was pushed into the background of her mind, and in its place crept the fever that had possessed her for twoyears.
-- At any other time, the news of this disaster would have brought fear andlamentation to Atlanta.
-- Considering, therefore, that squalls and capsizings in the water and consequent bivouacks on the deep, were matters of common occurrence in this kind of life; considering that at the superlatively critical instant of going on to the whale I must resign my life into the hands of him who steered the boat oftentimes a fellow who at that very moment is in his impetuousness upon the point of scuttling the craft with his own frantic stampings; considering that the particular disaster to our own particular boat was chiefly to be imputed to Starbuck's driving on to his whale almost in the teeth of a squall, and considering that Starbuck, notwithstanding, was famous for his great heedfulness in the fishery; considering that I belonged to this uncommonly prudent Starbuck's boat; and finally considering in what a devil's chase I was implicated, touching the White Whale: taking all things together, I say, I thought I might as well go below and make a rough draft of my will.
-- So strongly and metaphysically did I conceive of my situation then, that while earnestly watching his motions, I seemed distinctly to perceive that my own individuality was now merged in a joint stock company of two; that my free will had received a mortal wound; and that another's mistake or misfortune might plunge innocent me into unmerited disaster and death.
-- Holding by a shroud, Starbuck was standing on the quarter-deck; at every flash of the lightning glancing aloft, to see what additional disaster might have befallen the intricate hamper there; while Stubb and Flask were directing the men in the higher hoisting and firmer lashing of the boats.
-- About four o'clock in the evening, being then within a league of the island, I found the point of the rocks which oc-casioned this disaster stretching out, as is described before, to the southward, and casting off the current more south-erly, had, of course, made another eddy to the north; and this I found very strong, but not directly setting the way my course lay, which was due west, but almost full north.
-- For this purpose, after long consideration, I could think of but two ways to preserve them: one was, to find another convenient place to dig a cave underground, and to drive them into it every night; and the other was to enclose two or three little bits of land, remote from one another, and as much concealed as I could, where I might keep about half-a-dozen young goats in each place; so that if any disaster happened to the flock in general, I might be able to raise them again with little trouble and time: and this though it would require a good deal of time and labour, I thought was the most rational design.
-- She, impending disaster itself, walked about with gathered shadow at the eyes and the rudimentary muscles of savagery fixing the hard lines of her mouth.