discuss是一个雅思常考词汇,这个词的常用解释为vt. 讨论, 商议,这个词在很多英文原版小说中怎么应用呢,今天小编就带您了解一下。
-- But it is useless to discuss the question.
-- Pray discuss it with me; pray enable me to see it a little more clearly, and teach me how to be a little more useful.'
-- How much of the incompleteness of his situation was referable to her father, through the pain-ful anxiety to avoid reviving old associations of France in his mind, he did not discuss with himself.
-- Everyone with whom the princess had chanced to discuss the matter said the same thing: "Mercy on us, it's high time in our day to cast off all that old-fashioned business.
-- But to be a town councilor and discuss how many dustmen are needed, and how chimneys shall be constructed in the town in which I don't live--to serve on a jury and try a peasant who's stolen a flitch of bacon, and listen for six hours at a stretch to all sorts of jabber from the counsel for the defense and the prosecution, and the president cross-examining my old half-witted Alioshka, 'Do you admit, prisoner in the dock, the fact of the removal of the bacon?'
-- All this I hope to discuss more in detail in a personal interview.
-- "However, we won't discuss it."
-- Chapter 12 Connected with the conversation that had sprung up on the rights of women there were certain questions as to the inequality of rights in marriage improper to discuss before the ladies.
-- It was the tradition that faculty-members did not discuss their colleagues with students, but Max Gottlieb could not be regarded as anybody's colleague.
-- They do discuss things.
-- And wearing dress clothes a night like this!You know, I mean all the crazy things I say in my lectures, but let us now forget being earnest, let us drink, let us sing 'Der Graf von Luxemburg,' let us detach exquisite girls from their escorts, let us discuss the joys of 'Die Meistersinger,' which only I appreciate!"
-- "I don't care to discuss it," she said.
-- I won't have you discuss my wife.
-- Who would not be angered when it was quite clear without any na脙炉ve questions and when it was understood that it was useless to discuss it.
-- 'They are coming, I think,' said Razumihin, understand-ing the object of the question, 'and they will discuss their family affairs, no doubt.
-- She added that Pyotr Petro-vitch had particularly told her to say that, as soon as he possibly could, he would come immediately to discuss busi-ness alone with her and to consider what could be done for her, etc., etc.
-- You yourself, mademoiselle, probably will not refuse to confirm my state-ment that I invited you through Mr. Lebeziatnikov, solely in order to discuss with you the hopeless and destitute po-sition of your relative, Katerina Ivanovna (whose dinner I was unable to attend), and the advisability of getting up something of the nature of a subscription, lottery or the like, for her benefit.
-- We ar-ranged that to excite you, so we purposely spread rumours, that he might discuss the case with you, and Razumihin is not a man to restrain his indignation.
-- As I was delighted with the place, my aunt and Mrs. Cruppwithdrew into the pantry to discuss the terms, while I remained onthe sitting-room sofa, hardly daring to think it possible that I couldbe destined to live in such a noble residence.
-- It was not a subject Icould discuss with Agnes, and Agnes certainly had not the leastsuspicion of what had passed.
-- I shall not discuss it here.
-- I'll make a memorandum of the arrangement which struck me as likely to be convenient, for I haven't time to talk about it now; and then we'll discuss it at our leisure.
-- de Restaud and shrugged his shoulders, as who should say, "If he is going to discuss nautical matters with that fellow, it is all over with us."
-- He went off pompously toward a group of chaperons in one corner, and just as the two girls had turned to eachother to discuss the possibilities of the secret, two old gentlemen bore down on the booth, declaring in loud voices thatthey wanted ten miles of tatting.