
发布时间:2021-12-28 13:01:12


abundance是一个雅思常考词汇,这个词的常用解释为n. 丰富,这个词在很多英文原版小说中怎么应用呢,今天小编就带您了解一下。



-- We choose this time, because it is a time, of all others, when Want is keenly felt, and Abundance rejoices.



-- Having abundance of time for his usual methodical toilette, Mr. Lorry presented himself at the breakfast-hour in his usual white linen, and with his usual neat leg.



-- Kay and Gerda took each other's hand: it was lovely spring weather, with abundance of flowers and of ver-dure.



-- But he always felt the injustice of his own abundance in comparison with the poverty of the peasants, and now he determined that so as to feel quite in the right, though he had worked hard and lived by no means luxuriously before, he would now work still harder, and would allow himself even less luxury.

-- The smartly dressed and healthy-looking nurse, frightened at the idea of losing her place, muttered something to herself, and covering her bosom, smiled contemptuously at the idea of doubts being cast on her abundance of milk.

-- "Our Lord and God, Jesus Christ, in the abundance and riches of His lovingkindness, forgives this child..." and, finishing the prayer of absolution, the priest blessed him and dismissed him.

-- The other unpleasant incident, which for the first minute destroyed his good humor, though later he laughed at it a great deal, was to find that of all the provisions Kitty had provided in such abundance that one would have thought there was enough for a week, nothing was left.

-- They had the fullest abundance of everything; they had a child, and both had occupation.



-- There was a sharp bracing air; the ground was dry; the seawas crisp and clear; the sun was diffusing abundance of light, ifnot much warmth, and everything was fresh and lively.

-- There was an abundance ofbright lights, and there was music, and there were ladies down in 338the boxes, and I don't know what more.

-- The work she did that day!There were many things to be broughtup from the beach and stored in the outhouse- as oars, nets, sails,cordage, spars, lobster-pots, bags of ballast, and the like; andthough there was abundance of assistance rendered, there beingnot a pair of working hands on all that shore but would havelaboured hard for Mr. Peggotty, and been well paid in being askedto do it, yet she persisted, all day long, in toiling under weightsthat she was quite unequal to, and fagging to and fro on all sorts ofunnecessary errands.

-- Of there being a breakfast, with abundance of things, pretty andsubstantial, to eat and drink, whereof I partake, as I should do inany other dream, without the least perception of their flavour;eating and drinking, as I may say, nothing but love and marriage,and no more believing in the viands than in anything else.



-- Within abundance of silver paper was a pretty little Tunbridge-ware box, which Harriet opened: it was well lined with the softest cotton; but, excepting the cotton, Emma saw only a small piece of court-plaister.

-- She felt all the honest pride and complacency which her alliance with the present and future proprietor could fair-ly warrant, as she viewed the respectable size and style of the building, its suitable, becoming, characteristic situa-tion, low and sheltered its ample gardens stretching down to meadows washed by a stream, of which the Abbey, with all the old neglect of prospect, had scarcely a sight and its abundance of timber in rows and avenues, which neither fashion nor extravagance had rooted up. The house was larger than Hartfield, and totally unlike it, covering a good deal of ground, rambling and irregular, with many com-436 Emmafortable, and one or two handsome rooms. It was just what it ought to be, and it looked what it was and Emma felt an increasing respect for it, as the residence of a family of such true gentility, untainted in blood and understanding. Some faults of temper John Knightley had; but Isabella had connected herself unexceptionably.

-- These were pleasant feelings, and she walked about and in-dulged them till it was necessary to do as the others did, and collect round the strawberry-beds. The whole party were assembled, excepting Frank Churchill, who was ex-pected every moment from Richmond; and Mrs. Elton, in all her apparatus of happiness, her large bonnet and her basket, was very ready to lead the way in gathering, ac-cepting, or talking strawberries, and only strawberries, could now be thought or spoken of. 'The best fruit in Eng-land every body's favourite always wholesome. These the finest beds and finest sorts. Delightful to gather for one's self the only way of really enjoying them. Morning decidedly the best time never tired every sort good hautboy infinitely superior no comparison the others hardly eatable hautboys very scarce Chili preferred white wood finest flavour of all price of strawberries inLondon abundance about Bristol Maple Grove cul-tivation beds when to be renewed gardeners thinking exactly different no general rule gardeners never to be put out of their way delicious fruit only too rich to be eaten much of inferior to cherries currants more re-freshing only objection to gathering strawberries the stooping glaring sun tired to death could bear it no longer must go and sit in the shade.'

-- Such might be his consti-tution; and as she knew that eating and drinking were often the cure of such incidental complaints, she recommended his taking some refreshment; he would find abundance of every thing in the dining-room and she humanely point-ed out the door.



-- The early dinner hour at Joe's, left me abundance of time, without hurrying my talk with Biddy, to walk over to the old spot before dark.



-- He received it with abundance of thanks, more than such a trifle could deserve.

-- The women of the island have abundance of vivacity: 206 Gulliver's Travelsthey, contemn their husbands, and are exceedingly fond of strangers, whereof there is always a considerable number from the continent below, attending at court, either upon affairs of the several towns and corporations, or their own particular occasions, but are much despised, because they want the same endowments.



-- FATHER AND DAUGHTERAlthough Mr. Gradgrind did not take after Blue Beard, his room was quite a blue chamber in its abundance of blue books.



-- A pity that no ripe touch of this generous abundance could be given to the thin, hard, stony wine, which after all was made from the grapes!

-- 'Amy,' he returned, 'it appears to me, I must say, that you have had abundance of time for that.

-- Whereas in the King's Bench ' Mr Rugg waved his right hand freely, as expressing abundance of space.



-- But having plenty of line yet in the tubs, and the whale not sounding very rapidly, they paid out abundance of rope, and at the same time pulled with all their might so as to get ahead of the ship.




