
发布时间:2021-12-28 13:01:11


expensive是一个雅思常考词汇,这个词的常用解释为a. 花费的, 昂贵的,这个词在很多英文原版小说中怎么应用呢,今天小编就带您了解一下。



-- The making of sulphuric acid is a very expensive manufacture.



-- 'It must come expensive if they do?'

-- It may, at first sight, be matter of surprise to the thoughtless few that Mr Brass, being a professional gentleman, should not have legally indicted some party or parties, active in the promotion of the nuisance, but they will be good enough to remember, that as Doctors seldom take their own prescriptions, and Divines do not always practise what they preach, so lawyers are shy of meddling with the Law on their own account: knowing it to be an edged tool of uncertain application, very expensive in the working, and rather remarkable for its properties of close shaving, than for its always shaving the right person.



-- "But why should you give me an expensive rug?

-- His managers, who were all rare men, were no more expensive than the old bungling fools of his father's days, who were merely colliers promoted.

-- Birkin was silent, thinking how scrupulous Gerald was in his attire, how expensive too.



-- She has lots of expensive knowledge, sir, political and otherwise.



-- Nevertheless he was just as carefully dressed as ever, by his expensive tailors, and he wore the careful Bond Street neckties just as before, and from the top he looked just as smart and impressive as ever.

-- She mustn't let her connexion with him go: oh, she mustn't let it go, or she was lost, lost utterly in this world of riff-raffy expensive people and joy-hogs.



-- This happy result Mr Merdle would have considered well attained, though Mr Sparkler had been a more expensive article.

-- 'It's a very dangerous, unsatisfactory, and expensive school to the people who pay to keep the pupils there, I am afraid,' said Clennam, shaking his head.

-- When I say a benefactor to it, I mean a person who provides it with all sorts of expensive things to eat and drink and look at.

-- There was Mr Tite Barnacle, from the Circumlocution Office, and Mews Street, Grosvenor Square, with the expensive Mrs Tite Barnacle nee Stiltstalking, who made the Quarter Days so long in coming, and the three expensive Miss Tite Barnacles, double-loaded with accomplishments and ready to go off, and yet not going off with the sharpness of flash and bang that might have been expected, but rather hanging fire.

-- And, with the blessing of fate and fortune, I'll go on improving that woman's acquaintance until I have given her maid, before her eyes, things from my dressmaker's ten times as handsome and expensive as she once gave me from hers!'



-- With halting steps I paced the streets, and passed the sign of "The Crossed Harpoons" but it looked too expensive and jolly there.

-- Too expensive and jolly, again thought I, pausing one moment to watch the broad glare in the street, and hear the sounds of the tinkling glasses within.



-- It was rather expensive at first, in consequence of the increase in the undertaker's bill, and the necessity of taking in the clothes of all the paupers, which fluttered loosely on their wasted, shrunken forms, after a week or two's gruel.

-- Well-seasoned timber is an expensive article, sir; and all the iron handles come, by canal, from Birmingham.'



-- As for the navy, it had fashion on its side, but I was too old when the subject was first started to enter it and, at length, as there was no necessity for my having any profession at all, as I might be as dashing and expensive without a red coat on my back as with one, idleness was pronounced on the whole to be most advantageous and honourable, and a young man of eighteen is not in general so earnestly bent on being busy as to resist the solicitations of his friends to do nothing.

-- My affection for Marianne, my thorough conviction of her attachment to me it was all insufficient to outweigh that dread of poverty, or get the better of those false ideas of the necessity of riches, which I was naturally inclined to feel, and expensive society had increased.



-- Pompous doormen in immense coats, shiny brass belts and buttons, waited in front of expensive salesrooms.

-- Everything he discovered in his line advertised as an opportunity, was either too expensive or too wretched for him.



-- It was not an expensive piece of wood.



