
发布时间:2021-12-28 13:01:11


keeping是一个雅思常考词汇,这个词的常用解释为n. 一致, 协调,这个词在很多英文原版小说中怎么应用呢,今天小编就带您了解一下。



-- The furniture was in keeping with the room: there were three old chairs, rather rickety; a painted table in the corner on which lay a few manuscripts and books; the dust that lay thick upon them showed that they had been long untouched.

-- The dandy followed her, but along an-other avenue, keeping his eye on her.

-- He was very poor, and there was a sort of haughty pride and reserve about him, as though he were keeping something to himself.

-- Raskolnikov stood keeping tight hold of the axe.



-- 'About keeping house, for instance.'

-- She gently chid me for being rude; and, keeping me close to her shawl, turned to thank the gentleman for taking so much trouble as to bring her home.

-- The carrier had a way of keeping his head down, like his horse,and of drooping sleepily forward as he drove, with one of his armson each of his knees.

-- The sunstreamed in at the little window, but she sat with her own back andthe back of the large chair towards it, screening the fire as if shewere sedulously keeping it warm, instead of it keeping her warm,and watching it in a most distrustful manner.

-- says Mr. Chillip, MissMurdstone merely answers with a frown and a formal bend; Mr.Chillip, discomfited, goes into a corner, keeping me with him, andopens his mouth no more.



-- The sitting began; and Harriet, smiling and blushing, and afraid of not keeping her attitude and countenance, present-ed a very sweet mixture of youthful expression to the steady eyes of the artist.

-- As a magistrate, he had generally some point of law to consult John about, or, at least, some curious anecdote to give; and as a farmer, as keeping in hand the home-farm at Donwell, he had to tell what every field was to bear next year, and to give all such local information as 122 Emmacould not fail of being interesting to a brother whose home it had equally been the longest part of his life, and whose at-tachments were strong.

-- She was the first to announce it to Mr. Knightley; and ex-claimed quite as much as was necessary, (or, being acting a part, perhaps rather more,) at the conduct of the Churchills, in keeping him away.

-- On their first coming into the country, they had lived in pro-portion to their income, quietly, keeping little company, and that little unexpensively; but the last year or two had brought them a considerable increase of means the house in town had yielded greater profits, and fortune in general had smiled on them.

-- Their love of society, and their new dining-room, prepared every body for their keeping dinner-company; and a few parties, chiefly among the single men, had already taken place.



-- inquired the shepherd, who found some difficulty in keeping the conversation in the desired channel.

-- I also return the money I owe you, which you will excuse my not keeping as a gift.

-- Henery Fray spoke, exhibiting miserable eyes at the same time: "I don't see why a maid should take a husband when she's bold enough to fight her own battles, and don't want a home; for 'tis keeping another woman out.

-- "Death's head himself shan't wring it from me, mistress, if I've a mind to keep anything; and I'll always be your friend," replied Liddy, emphatically, at the same time bringing a few more tears into her own eyes, not from any particular necessity, but from an artistic sense of making herself in keeping with the remainder of the picture, which seems to influence women at such times.

-- It was evident that she had an object in keeping her presence on the road and her forlorn state unknown.



-- She is an oldish woman, with a bloated countenance, and a nose like a parrot's beak set in the middle of it; her fat little hands (she is as sleek as a church rat) and her shapeless, slouching figure are in keeping with the room that reeks of misfortune, where hope is reduced to speculate for the meanest stakes.

-- Victorine Taillefer's face; and her unvarying expression of sadness, like her embarrassed manner and pinched look, was in keeping with the general wretchedness of the establishment in the Rue Nueve-Saint-Genevieve, which forms a background to this picture; but her face was young, there was youthfulness in her voice and elasticity in her movements.

-- His bass voice was by no means unpleasant, and was in keeping with his boisterous laughter.

-- Yes, you are a child," she said, keeping back the tears that came to her eyes; "you would love sincerely."



-- There, Ellen sat before her tall secretary eachmorning, keeping the accounts of the plantation and listening to the reports of Jonas Wilkerson, the overseer.









