supersede是一个雅思常考词汇,这个词的常用解释为vt. 代替,这个词在很多英文原版小说中怎么应用呢,今天小编就带您了解一下。
-- Gustaf Sondelius shouted, in high places and low, that most diseases could be and must be wiped out; that tuberculosis, cancer, typhoid, the plague, influenza, were an invading army against which the world must mobilize--literally; that public health authorities must supersede generals and oil kings.
-- 'He grazed his cattle on these slopes, and he learned to dig for tin when the bronze sword began to supersede the stone axe.
-- There is so much written and said about you!I came here today with anxious curiosity; I wished to see for my-self and form my own convictions as to whether it were true that the whole of this upper stratum of Russian society is WORTHLESS, has outlived its time, has existed too long, and is only fit to die and yet is dying with petty, spiteful warring against that which is destined to supersede it and take its place hindering the Coming Men, and knowing not that itself is in a dying condition.
-- Mechanism only transfers labour, being powerless to supersede it, and the original amount of exertion was not cleared away; it was thrown into the body and arms.
-- His son began to supersede Mrs Bangham, and to execute commissions in a knowing manner, and to be of the prison prisonous, of the streets streety.