wholesale是一个雅思常考词汇,这个词的常用解释为n. 批发,这个词在很多英文原版小说中怎么应用呢,今天小编就带您了解一下。
-- For one hour this wholesale massacre continued, from which the cachalots could not escape.
-- II Mrs. McCandless had once been a "hired girl"; then nurse, then confidante, then wife to the invalid Mr. McCandless, wholesale grocer and owner of real estate.
-- This functionary, being, of course, well used to such scenes; looking upon all kinds of robbery, from petty larceny up to housebreaking or ventures on the highway, as matters in the regular course of business; and regarding the perpetrators in the light of so many customers coming to be served at the wholesale and retail shop of criminal law where he stood behind the counter; received Mr Brass's statement of facts with about as much interest and surprise, as an undertaker might evince if required to listen to a circumstantial account of the last illness of a person whom he was called in to wait upon professionally; and took Kit into custody with a decent indifference.
-- Scarlett could not imagine her mother's handswithout her gold thimble or her rustling figure unaccompanied by the small negro girl whose sole function in life wasto remove basting threads and carry the rosewood sewing box from room to room, as Ellen moved about the housesuperintending the cooking, the cleaning and the wholesale clothes-making for the plantation.
-- I was greatly dejected and distressed, but in an incoherent wholesale sort of way.
-- He had virtually retired from the wholesale hardware trade before he built Stone Lodge, and was now looking about for a suitable opportunity of making an arithmetical figure in Parliament.
-- Some wholesale contractor measured Fate for five thousand coats of such quality, and Fate has lent this old coat to this old man, as one of a long unfinished line of many old men.
-- The wholesale amount of Prunes and Prism which Mrs General infused into the family life, combined with the perpetual plunges made by Fanny into society, left but a very small residue of any natural deposit at the bottom of the mixture.
-- He had doubts whether reference to any individual capital, or fortune, might not seem a wretchedly retail affair to so wholesale a dealer.
-- The dry-goods stores were not down among the count-ing-houses, banks, and wholesale warerooms, where gentlemen most do congregate, but Jo found herself in that part of the city before she did a single errand, loiter-ing along as if waiting for someone, examining engineering instruments in one window and samples of wool in anoth-er, with most unfeminine interest, tumbling over barrels, being half-smothered by descending bales, and hustled un-ceremoniously by busy men who looked as if they wondered 'how the deuce she got there'.
-- Mr. Bhaer smiled, as he glanced from the pickle factory on one side to the wholesale hide and leather concern on the other, but her only said politely, 'You haf no umbrella.
-- Her disordered appearance, and a wholesale perfume of Geneva which pervaded the apartment, afforded strong confirmatory evidence of the justice of the Jew's supposition; and when, after indulging in the temporary display of violence above described, she subsided, first into dullness, and afterwards into a compound of feelings: under the influence of which she shed tears one minute, and in the next gave utterance to various exclamations of 'Never say die!'
-- In the central portion was the vast wholesale and shopping district, to which the uninformed seeker for work usually drifted.
-- It gave an imposing appearance to most of the wholesale houses, whose offices were upon the ground floor and in plain view of the street.
-- Chapter III WEE QUESTION OF FORTUNE--FOUR-FIFTY A WEEK Once across the river and into the wholesale district, she glanced about her for some likely door at which to apply.
-- In this way she passed many manufacturing and wholesale houses without once glancing in.
-- It was a wholesale dry goods concern and employed women.