recruit是一个雅思常考词汇,这个词的常用解释为v. /n. 招募, 吸收,这个词在很多英文原版小说中怎么应用呢,今天小编就带您了解一下。
-- They had only stopped once, to rest and snatch a hurried meal to recruit their strength.
-- "We will take a little rest, and recruit our strength.
-- "Ben Joyce will have gone to recruit his party, with some bandits like himself, among the bush-rangers who may be lurking about the foot of the Alps."
-- When we reach Drury it will be another thing, and there our brave ladies will be able to recruit their strength at their leisure."
-- He succeeded in his dangerous attempt, and had arrived the previous night at the tomb of Kara-Tete, and there proposed to recruit his strength while he waited in the hope that his friends might, by Divine mercy, find the means of escape.
-- He came once to Mycenae, not as an enemy but as a guest, in compa-ny with Polynices to recruit his forces, for they were levying war against the strong city of Thebes, and prayed our people for a body of picked men to help them.
-- On the contrary, he needed occupation and distraction quite apart from his love, so as to recruit and rest himself from the violent emotions that agitated him.
-- We've broken out of our pickets, again and again, four hundred and fifty of us, just because a new recruit got to telling tales of whip snakes at home in Australia till we were scared to death of the loose ends of our head-ropes.'
-- The explorers, before undertaking new fatigues, must first of all recruit their strength.
-- We must at whatever risk recruit our physical strength.