
发布时间:2021-12-28 13:01:10


ignorance是一个雅思常考词汇,这个词的常用解释为n. 无知, 愚昧,这个词在很多英文原版小说中怎么应用呢,今天小编就带您了解一下。



-- It was ap-pointed that the water should be locked in an eternal frost, when the light was playing on its surface, and I stood in ignorance on the shore.



-- But in what way this trouble of poverty and ignorance is to be cured by schools is as incomprehensible as how the hen-roost affects the screaming.



-- Like all males, he hated to confess ignorance by asking directions, but grudgingly he stopped at the door of a bedroom in which a probationer nurse was scrubbing the floor.

-- He denounced Sondelius as an aristocrat, he denounced Martin for his ignorance of economics, he denounced the waiter concerning the brandy; Sondelius and Martin and the waiter answered with vigor; and the conversation became admirable.

-- He preached to himself, as Max Gottlieb had once preached to him, the loyalty of dissent, the faith of being very doubtful, the gospel of not bawling gospels, the wisdom of admitting the probable ignorance of one's self and of everybody else, and the energetic acceleration of a Movement for going very slow.

-- One of the papers had an innocent squib: Probably a certain amount of hypocrisy is inevitable in us sinful human critters, but when a public official tries to pose as a saint while indulging in every vice, and tries to cover up his gross ignorance and incompetence by pulling political wires, and makes a holy show of himself by not even doing a first-class job of wire- pulling, then even the cussedest of us old scoundrels begins to holler for the meat-ax.

-- She's been Tubbs's secretary so long that she's learned all his ignorance about scientific technique."



-- 'Wait, that's not all,' Pyotr Petrovitch detained her, smil-ing at her simplicity and ignorance of good manners, 'and you know me little, my dear Sofya Semyonovna, if you sup-pose I would have ventured to trouble a person like you for a matter of so little consequence affecting myself only.



-- 'I have adopted him,' said my aunt, with a wave of her hand,importing that his knowledge and his ignorance were all one toher, 'and I have brought him here, to put him to a school where hemay be thoroughly well taught, and well treated.



-- Her ignorance is hourly flat-tery.

-- She understood their ways, could allow for their ignorance and their temptations, had no romantic expectations of extraordinary virtue from those for whom education had done so little; entered into their troubles with ready sympathy, and always gave her assistance with as much intelligence as good-will.



-- But in her topographical ignorance as a late comer to the place, she misreckoned the distance of her journey as not much more than half what it really was.



-- Did any one indeed exist, except I, the creator, who would believe, unless his senses convinced him, in the existence of the living monument of presump-tion and rash ignorance which I had let loose upon the world?



-- Do you remember at the barbecue, the day our engagement was announced, that a mannamed Butler, a Charlestonian by his accent, nearly caused a fight by his remarks about the ignorance of Southerners?



-- But that he was not to be, without ignorance or prejudice, mistaken for a gentleman, my father most strongly asseverates; because it is a principle of his that no man who was not a true gentleman at heart ever was, since the world began, a true gentleman in manner.

-- I alluded to the advantages I had derived in my first rawness and ignorance from his society, and I confessed that I feared I had but ill repaid them, and that he might have done better without me and my expectations.

-- As there seemed to be a tacit understanding that the Aged was not in a presentable state, and was therefore to be considered invisible, I made a pretence of being in complete ignorance of these proceedings.

-- I imparted to Mr. Jaggers my design of keeping him in ignorance of the fate of his wealth.



-- However, if my own ignorance in sea affairs shall have led me to commit some mistakes, I alone am answerable for them.

-- The king's great ignorance in politics.

-- The captain, hearing me utter these absurdities, concluded I was rav-ing; however (I suppose to pacify me) he promised to give order as I desired, and going upon deck, sent some of his men down into my closet, whence (as I afterwards found) they drew up all my goods, and stripped off the quilting; but the chairs, cabinet, and bedstead, being screwed to the floor, were much damaged by the ignorance of the seamen, who tore them up by force.

-- Here I discovered the roguery and ignorance of those who pretend to write anecdotes, or secret history; who send so many kings to their graves with a cup of poison; will repeat the discourse between a prince and chief minister, where no witness was by; unlock the thoughts and cabinets of ambassadors and secretaries of state; and have the perpet-ual misfortune to be mistaken.



-- A man who was always proclaiming, through that brassy speaking-trumpet of a voice of his, his old ignorance and his old poverty.

-- The wretched ignorance with which Jupe clung to this consolation, rejecting the superior comfort of knowing, on a sound arithmetical basis, that her father was an unnatural vagabond, filled Mr. Gradgrind with pity.




