observation是一个雅思常考词汇,这个词的常用解释为n. 观察, 观测, 监视; (pl. ) 观察资料; 观察力,这个词在很多英文原版小说中怎么应用呢,今天小编就带您了解一下。
-- She gave me elaborate answers to every possible observation of his.
-- Strickland interrupted my reflections with an observation the profound cynicism of which startled me.
-- Harding resolved, in consequence, to make his observation from Prospect Heights, taking into consideration its height above the level of the sea a height which he intended to calculate next day by a simple process of elementary geometry.
-- That done, there was only the angle to calculate by bringing back the observation to the level of the sea, taking into consideration the depression of the horizon, which would necessitate measuring the height of the cliff.
-- Now, this angle by adding to it the twenty-seven degrees which separated Alpha from the antarctic pole, and by reducing to the level of the sea the height of the cliff on which the observation had been made, was found to be fifty-three degrees.
-- But while these men, who really hesitated at nothing, were talking, the hour approached at which the observation was to be made.
-- The possible fault which he attributed to errors in the observation was, it may be seen, of five degrees on both sides, which, at sixty miles to a degree, would give an error of three hundred miles in latitude and longitude for the exact position.
-- Make yourself at home,' adding to this retort an observation to the effect that his friend appeared to be rather 'cranky' in point of temper, Richard Swiveller finished the rosy and applied himself to the composition of another glassful, in which, after tasting it with great relish, he proposed a toast to an imaginary company.
-- cried Mr Codlin, glancing at the clock again and pulling his hair with both hands in a kind of frenzy, but whether occasioned by his companion's observation or the tardy pace of Time, it was difficult to determine.
-- Richard Swiveller took an easy observation of the family over Mr Quilp's head, and Quilp himself, with his hands in his pockets, smiled in an exquisite enjoyment of the commotion he occasioned.
-- Mr Brass received this observation with increased meekness, merely remarking, under his breath, that he didn't like that kind of joking, and that Miss Sally would be 'a much better fellow' if she forbore to aggravate him.
-- Dick would return some matter-of-course reply, and Mr Brass standing on the bottom rail of his stool, so as to get a view of the street over the top of the window-blind, would take an observation of the visitors.
-- Similarly, from an observation of the earth's surface, we declare it to be inorganic.
-- The other men were Blank, the Editor aforementioned, a certain journalist, and another a quiet, shy man with a beard whom I didn't know, and who, as far as my observation went, never opened his mouth all the evening.
-- "Why, from about noon observation to about six bells."
-- I took my way straight for the east coast of the island, for I was determined to go down the sea side of the spit to avoid all chance of observation from the anchorage.
-- I did not disturb this reverie, and continued my observation of the curiosities which enriched this drawing-room.
-- The horizon, free from fog, made observation easy.
-- When I made this observation to him, he answered in a slightly moved tone:"That Indian, sir, is an inhabitant of an oppressed country; and I am still, and shall be, to my last breath, one of them!"
-- At six o'clock the Nautilus, sometimes floating, sometimes immersed, passed some distance from Tor, situated at the end of the bay, the waters of which seemed tinted with red, an observation already made by Captain Nemo.
-- "But your observation applies equally to all attempts at flight, whether in two years' time, or in two days'.
-- Gerald listened with a faint, fine smile on his face, all the time, as if, somewhere, he knew so much better than Birkin, all about this: as if his own knowledge were direct and personal, whereas Birkin's was a matter of observation and inference, not quite hitting the nail on the head: though aiming near enough at it.