
发布时间:2021-12-28 13:01:10


audience是一个雅思常考词汇,这个词的常用解释为n. 听众, 观众, 读者,这个词在很多英文原版小说中怎么应用呢,今天小编就带您了解一下。



-- While his teamed friend, Mr. Stryver, mass-ing his papers before him, whispered with those who sat near, and from time to time glanced anxiously at the jury; while all the spectators moved more or less, and grouped themselves anew; while even my Lord himself arose from his seat, and slowly paced up and down his platform, not unattended by a suspicion in the minds of the audience that his state was feverish; this one man sat leaning back, with his torn gown half off him, his untidy wig put on just as it had happened to fight on his head after its removal, his hands in his pockets, and his eyes on the ceiling as they had been all day.

-- In one narrow, dark, and dirty street through which they passed, an ex-cited orator, mounted on a stool, was addressing an excited audience on the crimes against the people, of the king and the royal family.

-- The five had had, it is true, no audience to lengthen their proceedings, for when he and Doctor Manette emerged from the gate, there was a great crowd about it, in which there seemed to be every face he had seen in Court ex-cept two, for which he looked in vain.



-- Among the audience was the young man of the hospital, who seemed to have forgotten his adventure of the preceding night.



-- "Look," said the colonel, looking out of the window, "what an audience has collected to listen to you."



-- It was, perhaps, rather early in the morning to get up a concert, and the audience prematurely aroused from their slumbers, might not possibly pay their entertainer with coin bearing the Mikado's features.

-- The Elder's story became somewhat wearisome, and his audience grew gradually less, until it was reduced to twenty passengers.



-- He glanced at the balcony-- The audience perceived a young man who was being earnest about sera and vaccines but, while his voice buzzed on, that churchly young man had noted two silken ankles distinguishing the front row of the balcony, had discovered that they belonged to Orchid Pickerbaugh and that she was flashing down admiration.

-- At the end Martin had the most enthusiastic applause ever known-- all lecturers, after all lectures, are gratified by that kind of applause--and the chairman said the most flattering things ever uttered, and the audience went out with the most remarkable speed ever witnessed, and Martin discovered himself holding Orchid's hand in the parlors while she warbled, in the most adorable voice ever heard, "Oh, Dr. Arrowsmith, you were just wonderful!Most of these lecturers are old stuffs, but you put it right over!I'm going to do a dash home and tell Dad.

-- Thus it happened that at three in the morning Martin was singing to a commendatory audience the ballad he had learned from Gustaf Sondelius: She'd a dark and a roving eye, And her hair hung down in ringlets, A nice girl, a decent girl, But one of the rakish kind.



-- More thanonce, when I went there early, I had audience of him in a turn-upbedstead, with a cut in his forehead or a black eye, bearing witnessto his excesses overnight (I am afraid he was quarrelsome in hisdrink), and he with a shaking hand, endeavouring to find theneedful shillings in one or other of the pockets of his clothes, whichlay upon the floor, while his wife, with a baby in her arms and hershoes down at heel, never left off rating him.



-- The only audience who could appreciate the results of close observation, the careful reproduction of minute detail and local color, are dwellers between the heights of Montrouge and Montmartre, in a vale of crumbling stucco watered by streams of black mud, a vale of sorrows which are real and joys too often hollow; but this audience is so accustomed to terrible sensations, that only some unimaginable and well-neigh impossible woe could produce any lasting impression there.



-- Her audience was speechless with horror.

-- His audience heard him with varying emotions, for all who sat there rocking quietly in the fading twilight,watching the first fireflies of the season moving magically through the dusk, had weighty matters on their minds.



-- The sun was striking in at the great windows of the court, through the glittering drops of rain upon the glass, and it made a broad shaft of light between the two-and-thirty and the Judge, linking both together, and perhaps reminding some among the audience how both were passing on, with absolute equality, to the greater Judgment that knoweth all things, and cannot err.

-- He went last of all, because of having to be helped from his chair, and to go very slowly; and he held my hand while all the others were removed, and while the audience got up (putting their dresses right, as they might at church or elsewhere), and pointed down at this criminal or at that, and most of all at him and me.



-- Neither is there any rem-edy; because it is capital for those, who receive an audience to spit or wipe their mouths in his majesty's presence.



-- There was some applause, and some crying of Shame upon the man; but the greater part of the audience were quiet.

-- Slackbridge, the delegate, had to address his audience too that night; and Slackbridge had obtained a clean bill from the printer, and had brought it in his pocket.



-- But the excellent Professor was so accustomed to beaming countenances at his lectures, that he believed he saw all his audience laughing during the delivery of his learned dissertation.



-- Fortune-TellingLittle Dorrit received a call that same evening from Mr Plornish, who, having intimated that he wished to speak to her privately, in a series of coughs so very noticeable as to favour the idea that her father, as regarded her seamstress occupation, was an illustration of the axiom that there are no such stone-blind men as those who will not see, obtained an audience with her on the common staircase outside the door.

-- 'You have had a portentously long audience of my mother,' said Gowan, as the door closed upon them.

-- He had a patron who in a certain sumptuous way an apologetic way, as if he constantly took an admiring audience to witness that he really could not help being more free with this old fellow than they might have expected, on account of his simplicity and poverty was mightily good to him.

-- If he had made a proclamation in an unknown tongue, and given up the ghost immediately afterwards, he could not have astounded his audience more.




