
发布时间:2021-12-28 13:01:10


grow是一个雅思常考词汇,这个词的常用解释为v. 生长, 成长; 渐渐变成; 栽培, 种植; 发展,这个词在很多英文原版小说中怎么应用呢,今天小编就带您了解一下。



-- For it is this tree especially, among all that grow in the Pampas, that the thunder has a particular affection for.

-- In Australia all natures grow better."

-- "I agree with you there," said Glenarvan; "but now tell us, Paganel, how it is that the leaves grow in this fashion?"

-- Their death was speedy and not aggravated by tedious suffering; torture was reserved for the authors of the murder, who, only twenty paces off, averted their eyes from the horrible scene which was to grow yet more horrible.

-- John Mangles and his companions were lost in wonder when they saw Glenarvan's features contract and grow pale, and the glass drop from his hands.



-- 'These twenty-five rouble notes brown in a most extraordinary way, while other notes often grow paler.

-- She was, above all distressed by the idea that her daugh-ters might grow up 'eccentric,' like herself; she believed that no other society girls were like them.

-- Time went on it began to grow light.



-- She shall grow old in my house at Argos far from her own home, busying herself with her loom and visiting my couch; so go, and do not provoke me or it shall be the worse for you.'

-- As the breezes sport with the chaff upon some goodly threshing-floor, when men are winnowing while yellow Ceres blows with the wind to sift the chaff from the grain, and the chaff-heaps grow whiter and whiter even so did the Achaeans whiten in the dust which the horses' hoofs raised to the firmament of heaven, as their drivers turned them back to battle, and they bore down with might upon the foe.

-- As when the rising west wind furs the face of the sea and the waters grow dark beneath it, so sat the companies of Trojans and Achaeans upon the plain.

-- Alex-andrus husband of lovely Helen had hit it with an arrow just on the top of its head where the mane begins to grow away from the skull, a very deadly place.

-- The shouts of men fighting by our ships grow stronger and stronger; stay here, therefore, and sit over your wine, while fair Hecamede heats you a bath and washes the clotted blood from off you.



-- I shall never forget that dawn, and the strange horror of seeing that my hands had become as clouded glass, and watching them grow clearer and thinner as the day went by, until at last I could see the sickly disorder of my room through them, though I closed my transparent eyelids.



-- Then, stopping to look back once or twice, he slunk off among the bushes to the right of me, and I heard the swish of the fronds grow faint in the distance and die away.



-- She did not grow in knowledge so much as she awakened in the matter of desire.

-- The old illusion that here was some one who needed her aid began to grow in Carrie's mind.

-- He began to grow restless and lit a cigar.



-- 'Which side of a tree does the moss grow on?'

-- 'One er dem big cat-tail-lookin' mullen-stalks would grow in heah, Mars Tom, I reck'n, but she wouldn't be wuth half de trouble she'd coss.'



-- "Poor little silly!Don't you know that if you go on like that, you will grow into a perfect donkey and that you'll be the laughingstock of everyone?"

-- But how did you grow so quickly?"

-- I also want to grow a little.

-- "It's about time for me to grow into a man as everyone else does."








