
发布时间:2021-12-28 13:01:10


evidence是一个雅思常考词汇,这个词的常用解释为n. 明显; 显著; 根据; 证据; 迹象,这个词在很多英文原版小说中怎么应用呢,今天小编就带您了解一下。



-- 'What evidence would you have of my reality beyond that of your senses?'



-- That, the evidence of these two witnesses, coupled with the docu-ments of their discovering that would be produced, would show the prisoner to have been furnished with lists of his Majesty's forces, and of their disposition and preparation, both by sea and land, and would leave no doubt that he had 92 A tale of two citieshabitually conveyed such information to a hostile power.

-- 'Miss Manette, if the prisoner does not perfectly under-stand that you give the evidence which it is your duty to give which you must give and which you cannot escape from giving with great unwillingness, he is the only per-son present in that condition.

-- How it would be a weakness in the government to break down in this attempt to practise for popularity on the lowest national antipathies and fears, and therefore Mr. Attorney-General had made the most of it; how, nevertheless, it rested upon nothing, save that vile and infamous character of evidence too often disfiguring such cases, and of which the State Trials of this country were full.



-- Now Alexey Alexandrovitch intended to demand: First, that a new commission should be formed which should be empowered to investigate the condition of the native tribes on the spot; secondly, if it should appear that the condition of the native tribes actually was such as it appeared to be from the official documents in the hands of the committee, that another new scientific commission should be appointed to investigate the deplorable condition of the native tribes from the--(1) political, (2) administrative, (3) economic, (4) ethnographical, (5) material, and (6) religious points of view; thirdly, that evidence should be required from the rival department of the measures that had been taken during the last ten years by that department for averting the disastrous conditions in which the native tribes were now placed; and fourthly and finally, that that department explain why it had, as appeared from the evidence before the committee, from No.

-- Among these papers lay the necessary evidence and a rough outline of the speech he intended to make.

-- In order to work out the whole subject theoretically and to complete his book, which, in Levin's daydreams, was not merely to effect a revolution in political economy, but to annihilate that science entirely and to lay the foundation of a new science of the relation of the people to the soil, all that was left to do was to make a tour abroad, and to study on the spot all that had been done in the same direction, and to collect conclusive evidence that all that had been done there was not what was wanted.

-- "I consider, and I have embodied my views in a note on the subject, that in our day these immense salaries are evidence of the unsound economic assiette of our finances."

-- She could not believe the evidence of her hand, and went up to the pier glass to see whether she really had done her hair.



-- During the first days of the journey Aouda became better acquainted with her protector, and constantly gave evidence of her deep gratitude for what he had done.

-- Hong Kong seemed to him not unlike Bombay, Calcutta, and Singapore, since, like them, it betrayed everywhere the evidence of English supremacy.



-- Moreover, the evidence of the servants, too, cleared Dounia's reputation; they had seen and known a great deal more than Mr. Svidriga脙炉lov had himself supposed as indeed is always the case with servants.

-- 'Was there evidence against him then?'

-- 'I am not talking of the evidence now, I am talking about that question, of their own idea of themselves.

-- And if the ear-rings being found in Nikolay's hands at the very day and hour of the murder constitutes an important piece of circumstantial evidence against him although the explanation given by him ac-counts for it, and therefore it does not tell seriously against him one must take into consideration the facts which prove him innocent, especially as they are facts that cannot be denied.

-- And do you suppose, from the character of our legal system, that they will accept, or that they are in a posi-tion to accept, this fact resting simply on a psychological impossibility as irrefutable and conclusively breaking down the circumstantial evidence for the prosecution?



-- I can makeno claim, therefore, to have known, at that time, how mattersstood; or to have any remembrance, founded on the evidence of myown senses, of what follows.

-- We had an adjourned cause in the Consistory that day- aboutexcommunicating a baker who had been objecting in a vestry to apaving-rate- and as the evidence was just twice the length ofRobinson Crusoe, according to a calculation I made, it was ratherlate in the day before we finished.

-- There was no evidence of it in me; I know of no influence it had inanything I said or did.

-- I found it not difficult, in the excitement of Mr. Chillip's ownbrain, under his potations of negus, to divert his attention from thistopic to his own affairs, on which, for the next half-hour, he wasquite loquacious; giving me to understand, among other pieces ofinformation, that he was then at the Gray's inn Coffeehouse to layhis professional evidence before a Commission of Lunacy, touchingthe state of mind of a patient who had become deranged fromexcessive drinking.

-- She gave her evidence in the gamest way, andwas highly complimented by the Bench, and cheered right home toher lodgings.



-- which instantly burst forth, had all the evidence of corresponding perturbation.



-- To find themselves utterly alone at night where company is desirable and expected makes some people fearful; but a case more trying by far to the nerves is to discover some mysterious companionship when intuition, sensation, memory, analogy, testimony, probability, induction every kind of evidence in the logician's list have united to persuade consciousness that it is quite in isolation.

-- FARMERS A RULE AN EXCEPTIONThe first public evidence of Bathsheba's decision to be a farmer in her own person and by proxy no more was her appearance the following market-day in the cornmarket at Casterbridge.






