
发布时间:2021-12-28 13:01:10


emotional是一个雅思常考词汇,这个词的常用解释为a. 感情的, 情绪的,这个词在很多英文原版小说中怎么应用呢,今天小编就带您了解一下。



-- You could hardly conceive a less emotional subject.



-- The general, like all drunkards, was extremely emotional and easily touched by recollections of his better days.



-- But, her courage was of that emotional nature that it brought the irrepressible tears into her eyes.



-- The emotional appeal of those yells grew upon me steadi-ly, grew at last to such an exquisite expression of suffering that I could stand it in that confined room no longer.



-- And as a fact, in such cases the emotional disturbance set up in Alexey Alexandrovitch by the sight of tears found expression in hasty anger.

-- When returning from the races Anna had informed him of her relations with Vronsky, and immediately afterwards had burst into tears, hiding her face in her hands, Alexey Alexandrovitch, for all the fury aroused in him against her, was aware at the same time of a rush of that emotional disturbance always produced in him by tears.

-- Although he happened to be bubbling over with good spirits, Stepan Arkadyevitch immediately and quite naturally fell into the sympathetic, poetically emotional tone which harmonized with her mood.



-- He looked at them--Fatty Pfaff in the front row, his face vacant as a doorknob; the co-eds emotional and frightened; only Martin Arrowsmith and Angus Duer visibly intelligent.



-- I had an idea that Dirk, a man of greater emotional reactions than depth of feeling, would soon forget; and Blanche's life, begun with who knows what bright hopes and what dreams, might just as well have never been lived.



-- This well-favoured and comely girl soon made appreciable inroads upon the emotional constitution of young Farmer Oak.

-- Material causes and emotional effects are not to be arranged in regular equation.

-- Emotional convulsions seemed to have become the commonplaces of her history, and she bade him good morning, and asked him to fill in the hole with the spade which was standing by.

-- It was a simple physical fear the weak of the strong; there was no emotional aversion or inner repugnance.



-- Even the excitement caused by the swooning spell that overtookCharles' plump emotional aunt, Miss Pittypat Hamilton, had the quality of a nightmare.



-- "My dear young friend," said Mr. Pumblechook; "if you will allow me to call you so--"I murmured "Certainly," and Mr. Pumblechook took me by both hands again, and communicated a movement to his waistcoat, which had an emotional appearance, though it was rather low down, "My dear young friend, rely upon my doing my little all in your absence, by keeping the fact before the mind of Joseph.--Joseph!"



-- "They are nice flowers," he said, her emotional tones putting a constraint on him.

-- There is a real impersonal me, that is beyond love, beyond any emotional relationship.



-- And dimly she realized one of the great laws of the hu-man soul: that when the emotional soul receives a wounding shock, which does not kill the body, the soul seems to re-cover as the body recovers.

-- It was far more interesting than art, than literature, poor emotional half-witted stuff, was this technical science of industry.

-- But Clifford knew that when it did come to the emotional and human life, these self-made men were of a mental age of about thirteen, feeble boys.

-- Let man slide down to general idiocy in the emotional and 'human' mind, Clifford did not care.

-- The curious pulpy part of him, the emotional and hu-manly-individual part, depended on her with terror, like a child, almost like an idiot.



-- That was because he did not understand the nature of emotional greatness.

-- Thus in life there is ever the intellectual and the emotional nature--the mind that reasons, and the mind that feels.



