
发布时间:2021-12-28 13:01:10


maple是一个雅思常考词汇,这个词的常用解释为n. 槭树, 枫树,这个词在很多英文原版小说中怎么应用呢,今天小编就带您了解一下。



-- The very first subject after being seated was Maple Grove, 'My brother Mr. Suckling's seat;' a comparison of Hart-field to Maple Grove.

-- 'Very like Maple Grove indeed! She was quite struck by the likeness! That room was the very shape and size of the morning-room at Maple Grove; her sister's fa-vourite room.

-- ' Mr. Elton was appealed to. 'Was not it astonishingly like? She could really almost fancy herself at Maple Grove.'

-- 'So extremely like Maple Grove!And it is not merely the house the grounds, I assure you, as far as I could observe, are strikingly like.

-- The laurels at Maple Grove are in the same profusion as here, and stand very much in the same way just across the lawn; and I had a glimpse of a fine large tree, with a bench round it, which put me so exactly in mind!My brother and sister will be enchanted with this place.



-- I particularly remarked, in the clearings left by trees that had fallen and been partially consumed by time, many leguminous (beanlike) shrubs, such as the maple and other eatable trees, dear to ruminating animals.



-- Go, pick up my things, like a cher-ub, as you are,' said Jo, dropping down under a maple tree, which was carpeting the bank with crimson leaves.


