frail是一个雅思常考词汇,这个词的常用解释为a. 虚弱的, 脆弱的,这个词在很多英文原版小说中怎么应用呢,今天小编就带您了解一下。
-- Our horror was at its height, circulation had stopped, all nervous influence was annihilated, and we were covered with cold sweat, like a sweat of agony!And what noise around our frail bark!What roarings repeated by the echo miles away!What an uproar was that of the waters broken on the sharp rocks at the bottom, where the hardest bodies are crushed, and trees worn away, "with all the fur rubbed off," according to the Norwegian phrase!
-- She wore a dress of silky, frail velvet, of pale yellow colour, and she carried a lot of small rose-coloured cyclamens.
-- So saying, having given her word like a man, she and Ursula entered the frail craft, and pushed gently off.
-- Here they ran delicately ashore, with their frail boat, the two girls took off their shoes and stockings and went through the water's edge to the grass.
-- Here and there, close against the faint water, and at the far end of the lake, where the water lay milky in the last whiteness of the sky, and there was no shadow, solitary, frail flames of lanterns floated from the unseen boats.
-- "Lean back that way," said Gerald to Gudrun, as he stood up in the frail boat.