
发布时间:2021-12-28 13:01:10


reassure是一个雅思常考词汇,这个词的常用解释为vt. 使放心, 使消除疑虑,这个词在很多英文原版小说中怎么应用呢,今天小编就带您了解一下。



-- Glenarvan was afraid they would be delayed by the continuance of the hurricane, but Paganel was able to reassure him on that score, after consulting his barometer.

-- His Lordship only spoke thus to reassure the child, for a secret terror filled him at the sight of this legion of bloodthirsty animals let loose on them at midnight.



-- Perhaps it suddenly struck her that all this was a jest, but his face seemed to reassure her.



-- As soon as he had spoken thus, Neptune and Minerva came up to him in the likeness of two men, and took him by the hand to reassure him.



-- He saw already from her loving, truthful face, that nothing could come of what he had meant to say, but yet he wanted her to reassure him herself.

-- He saw her swollen face, sometimes bewildered and in agony, sometimes smiling and trying to reassure him.

-- Then he had been sent to the bedroom to help the old princess to move the holy picture in its silver and gold setting, and with the princess's old waiting maid he had clambered on a shelf to reach it and had broken the little lamp, and the old servant had tried to reassure him about the lamp and about his wife, and he carried the holy picture and set it at Kitty's head, carefully tucking it in behind the pillow.



-- Phileas Fogg understood what was passing in Aouda's mind, and offered, in order to reassure her, to escort her to Hong Kong, where she might remain safely until the affair was hushed up an offer which she eagerly and gratefully accepted.

-- "Well, reassure yourself, madam; before he settles with Mr. Fogg; he has got to deal with me!It seems to me that I was the more insulted of the two."

-- He began to reassure Aouda, telling her that blusterers were never to be feared, and begged Fix to be his second at the approaching duel, a request which the detective could not refuse.



-- She sought to reassure him but he did not wait.



-- At last, gritting his teeth and clenching his fist, he swore he would squeeze Porfiry like a lemon that very day, and went up the stairs to reassure Pulcheria Alexandrovna, who was by now alarmed at their long absence.

-- I shall consider my-self happy, Pulcheria Alexandrovna, if it is possible for you to convince me of an opposite conclusion, and thereby con-siderately reassure me.



-- It was quiet enough to reassure me, but I have no doubt if I hadseen a moderately large wave come tumbling in, I should havetaken to my heels, with an awful recollection of her drownedrelations.



-- Some time elapsed before she could reassure her trembling companion, or restore him to a state of moderate tranquillity.

-- Nell was not a little alarmed to hear this, supposing that the lady might be intimately acquainted with the firm of Short and Codlin; but what followed tended to reassure her.

-- Giving the child an encouraging look, intended to reassure her and let her know, that, although she stood in the presence of the original Jarley, she must not allow herself to be utterly overwhelmed and borne down, the lady of the caravan unfolded another scroll, whereon was the inscription, 'One hundred figures the full size of life,' and then another scroll, on which was written, 'The only stupendous collection of real wax-work in the world,' and then several smaller scrolls with such inscriptions as 'Now exhibiting within' 'The genuine and only Jarley' 'Jarley's unrivalled collection' 'Jarley is the delight of the Nobility and Gentry' 'The Royal Family are the patrons of Jarley.'

-- She could not help thinking of the figure stealing through the passage down stairs; and what the girl had said did not tend to reassure her.



-- It Cwas from my own Elizabeth: My dearest Cousin, You have been ill, very ill, and even the constant letters of dear kind Henry are not sufficient to reassure me on your account.

-- 'My dear father, reassure yourself.



-- She trembled, and was excessively agitated; getting behind Rachael, when Rachael tried to reassure her; and not seeming to know what she was about.



-- He was so much more peaceful in love than she was, and she wanted him to reassure her.



-- 'Reassure yourself, dear madam.



-- In a way, she felt the power and satisfaction of the thing, but it did not wholly reassure her.



