
发布时间:2021-12-28 13:01:09


brutal是一个雅思常考词汇,这个词的常用解释为a. 野蛮的, 残忍的,这个词在很多英文原版小说中怎么应用呢,今天小编就带您了解一下。



-- The howl was about to end in brutal action.

-- was the brutal answer of Kara-Tete.



-- With his brutal and violent nature, others would have to pay the price if we held our hands.

-- It was not a brutal countenance, but it was prim, hard, and stern, with a firm-set, thin-lipped mouth, and a coldly intolerant eye.

-- His wife had some inkling of his plans; but she had such a fear of her husband a fear founded upon brutal ill-treatment that she dare not write to warn the man whom she knew to be in danger.



-- But I knew too clearly the terror and brutal cruelty my advances would evoke.



-- I had been a mere lad then, and Moreau was, I suppose, about fifty, a prominent and masterful physiologist, well-known in scientific circles for his extraordinary imagination and his brutal directness in discussion.



-- The look of exultation and brutal triumph which an-nounced this terrible truth was irresistibly irritating.

-- When Magua reached the cluster of lolling savages, who, gorged with their disgusting meal, lay stretched on the earth in brutal indulgence, he commenced speaking with the dignity of an Indian chief.

-- Seizing Cora by the rich tresses which fell in confusion about her form, he tore her from her frantic hold, and bowed her down with brutal violence to her knees.

-- The mimic animal, which had advanced a little, retired slowly in his front, until it arrived again at the pass, when, rearing on his hinder legs, it beat the air with its paws, in the manner practised by its brutal prototype.



-- It was lamentable that one was more amused by the ridiculous figure cut by the Dutchman than outraged by Strickland's brutal treatment of him.

-- He never said a clever thing, but he had a vein of brutal sarcasm which was not ineffective, and he always said exactly what he thought.

-- It is possible that Strickland hated the normal release of sex because it seemed to him brutal by comparison with the satisfaction of artistic creation.

-- It seems strange even to myself, when I have described a man who was cruel, selfish, brutal and sensual, to say that he was a great idealist.



-- They were, in truth, very rugged, noisy fellows, and quite brutal among themselves, though civil enough to their two passengers.



-- He recalled with disgust her beautiful shoulders and arms; and her coarse, brutal father, with his dark past, his cruelties, and her mother with her doubtful reputation.



-- And they both felt the subterranean desire to let go, to fling away everything, and lapse into a sheer unrestraint, brutal and licentious.

-- Look how stock and stupid and brutal it is.

-- "That was the most perfect thing I have ever seen," she said in cold, brutal tones, when at last she turned round to him.

-- His amiability even made her feel brutal towards him.



-- But he seemed to recollect himself presently, and smothered the storm in a brutal curse, muttered on my behalf: which, however, I took care not to notice.



