stone是一个雅思常考词汇,这个词的常用解释为n. 石, 石头; 岩石, 矿石; (水果的) 核、 子,这个词在很多英文原版小说中怎么应用呢,今天小编就带您了解一下。
-- Under the stone was a small hollow in the ground, and he immedi-ately emptied his pocket into it.
-- Then he seized the stone again and with one twist turned it back, so that it was in the same position again, though it stood a very little higher.
-- I should have looked out beforehand some stone weighing a hundred-weight or more which had been lying in the corner from the time the house was built.
-- Every barn in the neighbourhood, every stone in the church,and every foot of the churchyard, had some association of its own,in my mind, connected with these books, and stood for somelocality made famous in them.
-- These provisions laid in, we went on through a great noise anduproar that con- fused my weary head beyond description, andover a bridge which, no doubt, was London Bridge (indeed I thinkhe told me so, but I was half asleep), until we came to the poorperson's house, which was a part of some almshouses, as I knew bytheir look, and by an inscription on a stone over the gate, whichsaid they were established for twenty-five poor women.
-- I forget, too, at what hour the gates wereopened in the morning, admitting of my going in; but I know thatI was often up at six o'clock, and that my favourite lounging-placein the interval was old London Bridge, where I was wont to sit inone of the stone recesses, watching the people going by, or to lookover the balustrades at the sun shining in the water, and lightingup the golden flame on the top of the Monument.
-- The old-fashioned brass knocker on thelow arched door, ornamented with carved garlands of fruit andflowers, twinkled like a star; the two stone steps descending to thedoor were as white as if they had been covered with fair linen; andall the angles and corners, and carvings and mouldings, and quaintlittle panes of glass, and quainter little windows, though as old asthe hills, were as pure as any snow that ever fell upon the hills.
-- Doctor Strong looked almost as rusty, to my thinking, as the talliron rails and gates outside the house; and almost as stiff andheavy as the great stone urns that flanked them, and were set up,on the top of the red-brick wall, at regular distances all round thecourt, like sublimated skittles, for Time to play at.
-- And it is no small credit, in my opinion, to him, that he should excite such an affection; for, though I would not say it to any body else, she has no more heart than a stone to people in general; and the devil of a temper.'
-- It was hot; and after walking some time over the gardens in a scattered, dispersed way, scarcely any three together, they insensibly followed one another to the delicious shade of a broad short avenue of limes, which stretching beyond the garden at an equal distance from the river, seemed the finish of the pleasure grounds. It led to nothing; nothing but a view at the end over a low stone wall with high pil-lars, which seemed intended, in their erection, to give the appearance of an approach to the house, which never had been there.
-- "That's unfortunate," said Farmer Oak, contemplating a crack in the stone floor with sorrow.
-- The corn stood on stone staddles, and between these, tongues of yellow hue from the burning straw licked and darted playfully.
-- Soft brown mosses, like faded velveteen, formed cushions upon the stone tiling, and tufts of the houseleek or sengreen sprouted from the eaves of the low surrounding buildings.
-- That's turned into a solid iron pump with a large stone trough, and all complete."
-- The pale lustre yet hanging in the north-western heaven was sufficient to show that a sprig of ivy had grown from the wall across the door to a length of more than a foot, delicately tying the panel to the stone jamb.
-- The hearth is always so clean and neat that it is evident that a fire is only kindled there on great occasions; the stone chimney-piece is adorned by a couple of vases filled with faded artificial flowers imprisoned under glass shades, on either side of a bluish marble clock in the very worst taste.
-- Under the guidance of my new preceptors I entered with the greatest diligence into the search of the philosopher's stone and the elixir of life; but the latter soon obtained my undivided attention.
-- Sometimes, indeed, he left marks in writing on the barks of the trees or cut in stone that guided me and instigated my fury.
-- She saw a long vista of picnics by the bubbling waters of Peachtree Creek and barbecues at Stone Mountain,receptions and balls, afternoon danceables, buggy rides and Sunday-night buffet suppers.
-- Betweenthe quarters and the smoked stone foundations, they found the well, and the roof of it still stood with the bucket fardown the well.
-- Mammy stood as though turned to stone glaring at Dilcey but Scarlett dropped her head into her hands.
-- To five little stone lozenges, each about a foot and a half long, which were arranged in a neat row beside their grave, and were sacred to the memory of five little brothers of mine,--who gave up trying to get a living, exceedingly early in that universal struggle,--I am indebted for a belief I religiously entertained that they had all been born on their backs with their hands in their trousers-pockets, and had never taken them out in this state of existence.
-- I stole some bread, some rind of cheese, about half a jar of mincemeat (which I tied up in my pocket-handkerchief with my last night's slice), some brandy from a stone bottle (which I decanted into a glass bottle I had secretly used for making that intoxicating fluid, Spanish-liquorice-water, up in my room: diluting the stone bottle from a jug in the kitchen cupboard), a meat bone with very little on it, and a beautiful round compact pork pie.
-- My sister went for the stone bottle, came back with the stone bottle, and poured his brandy out: no one else taking any.