division是一个雅思常考词汇,这个词的常用解释为n. 分, 分割; 部门, 科, 处; 除法; 分界线,这个词在很多英文原版小说中怎么应用呢,今天小编就带您了解一下。
-- "The question of her feelings, of what has passed and may be passing in her soul, that's not my affair; that's the affair of her conscience, and falls under the head of religion," he said to himself, feeling consolation in the sense that he had found to which division of regulating principles this new circumstance could be properly referred.
-- From the vague answers to his question how much hay had been cut on the principal meadow, from the hurry of the village elder who had made the division, not asking leave, from the whole tone of the peasant, Levin perceived that there was something wrong in the division of the hay, and made up his mind to drive over himself to look into the matter.
-- The arguments and the division of the haycocks lasted the whole afternoon.
-- And so for this first and most important division he must have four thousand roubles.
-- I'm in favor of division of labor.
-- V There seemed to be no division between his Junior and Senior years.
-- Sir Robert listened so agreeably that Martin thought he understood, but at the end he bellowed: "Young man, if I were commanding a division at the front, with a dud show, an awful show, going on, and a War Office clerk asked me to risk the whole thing to try out some precious little invention of his own, can you imagine what I'd answer?
-- As for my division of people into ordinary and extraordi-nary, I acknowledge that it's somewhat arbitrary, but I don't insist upon exact numbers.
-- If you will allow me to take the libertyof re- marking that there are few comestibles better, in their way,than a Devil, and that I believe, with a little division of labour, wecould accomplish a good one if the young person in attendancecould produce a gridiron, I would put it to you, that this littlemisfortune may be easily repaired.'
-- The division of labour to which hehad referred was this:- Traddles cut the mutton into slices; Mr.Micawber (who could do anything of this sort to perfection)covered them with pepper, mustard, salt, and cayenne; I put themon the gridiron, turned them with a fork, and took them off, underMr. Micawber's direction; and Mrs. Micawber heated, andcontinually stiffed, some mushroom ketchup in a little saucepan.
-- I thought, more than once,that it was well no serious cause of division had ever comebetween them; or two such natures- I ought rather to express it,two such shades of the same nature- might have been harder toreconcile than the two extremest opposites in creation.
-- 'Why do you bring division betweenthese two mad creatures?'
-- But you and I have done one another some good, Trot- at allevents, you have done me good, my dear; and division must notcome between us, at this time of day.'
-- Mr. Weston would take no denial; they must all dine at Randalls one day; even Mr. Woodhouse was per-suaded to think it a possible thing in preference to a division of the party.
-- Mr. Weston entered into the idea with thorough enjoyment, and Mrs. Weston most will-ingly undertook to play as long as they could wish to dance; and the interesting employment had followed, of reckoning up exactly who there would be, and portioning out the in-dispensable division of space to every couple.
-- The waggon and its load rolled no longer on the horizontal division between clearness and opacity, but were imbedded in an elastic body of a monotonous pallor throughout.
-- The tent was divided into first and second-class compartments, and at the end of the first-class division was a yet further enclosure for the most exclusive, fenced off from the body of the tent by a luncheon-bar, behind which the host himself stood bustling about in white apron and shirt-sleeves, and looking as if he had never lived anywhere but under canvas all his life.
-- I heard of the division of property, of immense wealth and squalid poverty, of rank, descent, and noble blood.
-- It was furnished with fresh young remembrances too, and even at the same moment I fell into much the same confused division of mind between it and the better rooms to which I was going, as I had been in so often between the forge and Miss Havisham's, and Biddy and Estella.
-- Certain keys were hanging on the wall, to which he now added the gate key; and his patchwork-covered bed was in a little inner division or recess.
-- What would alone have set a division between that man and us, if there had been no other dividing circumstance, was his triumph in my story.
-- My men were sent by an equal division into both the 193pirate ships, and my sloop new manned.
-- What do you say;' Mr. Bounderby, with his hat in his hand, gave a beat upon the crown at every little division of his sentences, as if it were a tambourine; 'to his being seen night after night watching the Bank? to his lurking about there after dark? To its striking Mrs. Sparsit that he could be lurking for no good To her calling Bitzer's attention to him, and their both taking notice of him And to its appearing on inquiry to-day that he was also noticed by the neighbours?'
-- Nevertheless, this division of the province, situated only a few miles from the capital, is considered one of the best cultivated and most thickly peopled in all Iceland.