group是一个雅思常考词汇,这个词的常用解释为n. 群, 组v. 分组,这个词在很多英文原版小说中怎么应用呢,今天小编就带您了解一下。
-- On the 30th of August they sighted the Madeira group of islands, and Glenarvan, true to his promise, offered to put in there, and land his new guest.
-- Every thing about this group has been said and written already.
-- I am quite aware that the group is said to be devoid of much interest, and wild, and unhealthy; but everything is curious in the eyes of a geographer.
-- "How will you group the words together according to your new interpretation?
-- Only one group of islands is found on this route, the Amsterdam Isles.
-- There was the hotel with its gateway, and its savoury smell of cooking; there was the cafe with its bright windows, and its rattling of dominoes; there was the dyer's with its strips of red cloth on the doorposts; there was the silversmith's with its earrings, and its offerings for altars; there was the tobacco dealer's with its lively group of soldier customers coming out pipe in mouth; there were the bad odours of the town, and the rain and the refuse in the kennels, and the faint lamps slung across the road, and the huge Diligence, and its mountain of luggage, and its six grey horses with their tails tied up, getting under weigh at the coach office.
-- Two or three Collegians whom they passed, looked after them too, and presently joining Mr Chivery, formed a little group on the Lodge steps, in the midst of which there spontaneously originated a whisper that the Father was going to get his discharge.
-- The painted room in which she awoke, often a humbled state-chamber in a dilapidated palace, would begin it; with its wild red autumnal vine-leaves overhanging the glass, its orange-trees on the cracked white terrace outside the window, a group of monks and peasants in the little street below, misery and magnificence wrestling with each other upon every rood of ground in the prospect, no matter how widely diversified, and misery throwing magnificence with the strength of fate.
-- And now the rest of the company, highly excited and interested, always excepting Bishop, who had not the slightest idea that anything was going on, formed in one group round the fire in the next drawing-room, and pretended to be chatting easily on the infinite variety of small topics, while everybody's thoughts and eyes were secretly straying towards the secluded pair.
-- For the Barnacles, as a group of themselves in creation, had an idea that such distinctions belonged to them; and that when a soldier, sailor, or lawyer became ennobled, they let him in, as it were, by an act of condescension, at the family door, and immediately shut it again.
-- A poor, bare, miserable room it was, with broken win-dows, no fire, ragged bedclothes, a sick mother, wailing baby, and a group of pale, hungry children cuddled under one old quilt, trying to keep warm.
-- No one came to talk to her, and one by one the group dwindled away till she was left alone.
-- Amy was sketching a group of ferns, and Jo was knitting as she read aloud.
-- As she rolled away, the sun came out, and looking back, she saw it shining on the group at the gate like a good omen.
-- said Amy, trying to decide how she would group the lovers in a sketch she was planning to make.
-- "As the Lakeman's bare head was just level with the planks, the Captain and his posse leaped the barricade, and rapidly drawing over the slide of the scuttle, planted their group of hands upon it, and loudly called for the steward to bring the heavy brass padlock belonging to the companionway.
-- A group of humble mourners entered the gate: wearing white favours; for the corpse was young.
-- In one of these excursive glances she perceived among a group of young men, the very he, who had given them a lecture on toothpick-cases at Gray's.
-- He ran away and spoke to one of a group of three men who were conferring together.
-- She saw no place which did not hold a couple or a group of girls, and being too timid to think of intruding herself, she sought out her machine and, seated upon her stool, opened her lunch on her lap.
-- They were looking out from a group of poorly dressed girls.
-- "Here we are," said Hurstwood, turning to one from a group with whom he was talking.
-- A group of Cook County politicians were conferring about a round cherry-wood table in the rear portion of the room.
-- Here a group played circus, there another sang and recited.