even是一个雅思常考词汇,这个词的常用解释为a. 一致的, 双数的, 均等的 vt. 使平坦 ad. 即使,这个词在很多英文原版小说中怎么应用呢,今天小编就带您了解一下。
-- In making even horizontal and clear inspections we colour and mould according to the wants within us whatever our eyes bring in.
-- Even its position terrestrially is one of the elements of a new interest, and for no particular reason save that the incident of the night had occurred there Oak went again into the plantation.
-- Even so, step by step the daylight decreases, and the cicerone's droning voice grows hollower as the traveler descends into the Catacombs.
-- Under the lime-trees there are a few green-painted garden seats and a wooden table, and hither, during the dog-days, such of the lodgers as are rich enough to indulge in a cup of coffee come to take their pleasure, though it is hot enough to roast eggs even in the shade.
-- Indeed, the man appeared to have been one of the beasts of burden in our great social mill; one of those Parisian Ratons whom their Bertrands do not even know by sight; a pivot in the obscure machinery that disposes of misery and things unclean; one of those men, in short, at sight of whom we are prompted to remark that, "After all, we cannot do without them."
-- Vauquer exhausted the vocabulary of abuse, and failed to find words that did justice to the banker's iniquitous conduct; but while they heaped execrations on the millionaire, Victorine's words were as gentle as the moan of the wounded dove, and affection found expression even in the cry drawn from her by pain.
-- Do we not, one and all, like to feel our strength even at the expense of some one or of something?
-- I can, even now, remember the hour from which I dedicated myself to this great enterprise.
-- Well, these are useless complaints; I shall certainly find no friend on the wide ocean, nor even here in Archangel, among merchants and seamen.
-- Yet some feelings, unallied to the dross of human nature, beat even in these rugged bosoms.
-- I am practi-cally industrious painstaking, a workman to execute with perseverance and labour but besides this there is a love for the marvellous, a belief in the marvellous, intertwined in all my projects, which hurries me out of the common path-ways of men, even to the wild sea and unvisited regions I am about to explore.
-- I never saw a more interesting creature: his eyes have generally an expression of wildness, and even madness, but there are moments when, if anyone performs an act of kindness towards him or does him the most trifling service, his whole counte-16 Frankensteinnance is lighted up, as it were, with a beam of benevolence and sweetness that I never saw equalled.
-- Already the plowing was nearly finished, and thebloody glory of the sunset colored the fresh-cut furrows of red Georgia clay to even redder hues.
-- At their edges rose the virgin forests, dark and cool even in the hottest noons, mysterious, a littlesinister, the soughing pines seeming to wait with an age-old patience, to threaten with soft sighs: "Be careful!Becareful!We had you once.
-- Everybody's known for years that they'd get married some time, even if he did seem kind of lukewarmabout it."
-- Why, I'll bet youMa is still so excited about the new horse that she'll never even realize we're home again till She sits down to suppertonight and sees Boyd.
-- Not that India ever reproachedhim or even indicated by look or gesture that she was aware of his abruptly changed allegiance.
-- It was not very polite to herself, I thought, to imply that I should be told lies by her even if I did ask questions.
-- I was afraid to sleep, even if I had been inclined, for I knew that at the first faint dawn of morning I must rob the pantry.
-- One black ox, with a white cravat on,--who even had to my awakened conscience something of a clerical air,--fixed me so obstinately with his eyes, and moved his blunt head round in such an accusatory manner as I moved round, that I blubbered out to him, "I couldn't help it, sir!It wasn't for myself I took it!"
-- In the meantime, Mrs. Joe put clean white curtains up, and tacked a new flowered flounce across the wide chimney to replace the old one, and uncovered the little state parlor across the passage, which was never uncovered at any other time, but passed the rest of the year in a cool haze of silver paper, which even extended to the four little white crockery poodles on the mantel-shelf, each with a black nose and a basket of flowers in his mouth, and each the counterpart of the other.
-- Even when I was taken to have a new suit of clothes, the tailor had orders to make them like a kind of Reformatory, and on no account to let me have the free use of my limbs.
-- 'Well,' said the shepherd, 'if you are so fond of her, I will change my cow for your horse; I like to do good to my neighbours, even though I lose by it myself.'
-- Even the fire on the hearth left off blazing, and went to sleep; the jack stopped, and the spit that was turning about with a goose upon it for the king's dinner stood still; and the cook, who was at that moment pulling the kitchen-boy by the hair to give him a box on the ear for something he had done amiss, let him go, and both fell asleep; the butler, who was slyly tasting the ale, fell asleep with the jug at his lips: and thus everything stood still, and slept soundly.