concede是一个雅思常考词汇,这个词的常用解释为vt. (不情愿地) 承认, 承认…为真(或正确) ; 承认失败; 让于; vi. 让步,认输,这个词在很多英文原版小说中怎么应用呢,今天小编就带您了解一下。
-- Could a modern geographer or a sailor concede to them such a designation.
-- In short, after some more examination, and a great deal more conversation, a neighbouring magistrate was readily induced to take the joint bail of Mrs. Maylie and Mr. Losberne for Oliver's appearance if he should ever be called upon; and Blathers and Duff, being rewarded with a couple of guineas, returned to town with divided opinions on the subject of their expedition: the latter gentleman on a mature consideration of all the circumstances, inclining to the belief that the burglarious attempt had originated with the Family Pet; and the former being equally disposed to concede the full merit of it to the great Mr. Conkey Chickweed.
-- The gods would have Mercury slayer of Argus steal the body, but in furtherance of our peace and amity henceforward, I will concede such honour to your son as I will now tell you.
-- Ralph would not concede that the work of the detectives was likely to be in vain, for he thought that the prize offered would greatly stimulate their zeal and activity.
-- "I concede that; but then, you know, all descriptions ""I'll make certain of it," interrupted Fix.