toast是一个雅思常考词汇,这个词的常用解释为n. 烤面包, 烤火; vt. 为…祝酒, 敬酒,这个词在很多英文原版小说中怎么应用呢,今天小编就带您了解一下。
-- The children drank the toast after her.
-- It comprised all that was required of the servant, from eight in the morning, exactly at which hour Phileas Fogg rose, till half-past eleven, when he left the house for the Reform Club all the details of service, the tea and toast at twenty-three minutes past eight, the shaving-water at thirty-seven minutes past nine, and the toilet at twenty minutes before ten.
-- While Sir Robert ruddily blurted compliments and Kellett tried to explain things, and all of them drank to him, standing, after the toast to the King, Martin sat lonely, considering that tomorrow he would leave these trusting eyes and face the harsh demands of Gottlieb, of Terry Wickett.
-- The toast was received with great applause,and such hearty laughter that it made me laugh too; at which theylaughed the more.
-- As we drew a little nearer, and saw the whole adjacent prospectlying a straight low line under the sky, I hinted to Peggotty that amound or so might have improved it; and also that if the land hadbeen a little more separated from the sea, and the town and the tidehad not been quite so much mixed up, like toast and water, itwould have been nicer.
-- I inquired, after drinking the toast in a wine-glass.
-- I then made her, according to certain established regulations fromwhich no deviation, however slight, could ever be permitted, aglass of hot white wine and water, and a slice of toast cut into longthin strips.
-- With these accompaniments we were left alone to finishthe evening, my aunt sitting opposite to me drinking her wine andwater; soaking her strips of toast in it, one by one, before eatingthem; and looking benignantly on me, from among the borders ofher night-cap.
-- If I could hear of such a thing 'twould do me more good than toast and ale."
-- "Sylvie," said Christophe, as he dipped a piece of toast into the coffee, "M. Vautrin, who is not such a bad sort, all the same, had two people come to see him again last night.
-- I had in vain tried everything producible that began with a T, from tar to toast and tub.
-- "Your servant, Sir," said Joe, "which I hope as you and Pip"--here his eye fell on the Avenger, who was putting some toast on table, and so plainly denoted an intention to make that young gentleman one of the family, that I frowned it down and confused him more--"I meantersay, you two gentlemen,--which I hope as you get your elths in this close spot?
-- I know that these gratifying social ends were so invariably accomplished, that Herbert and I understood nothing else to be referred to in the first standing toast of the society: which ran "Gentlemen, may the present promotion of good feeling ever reign predominant among the Finches of the Grove."
-- The responsible duty of making the toast was delegated to the Aged, and that excellent old gentleman was so intent upon it that he seemed to me in some danger of melting his eyes.
-- "I know that lady," said Herbert, across the table, when the toast had been honored.
-- The toast would certainly be leathery.
-- In the back garret a sickly room, with a turn-up bedstead in it, so hastily and recently turned up that the blankets were boiling over, as it were, and keeping the lid open a half-finished breakfast of coffee and toast for two persons was jumbled down anyhow on a rickety table.
-- Her uncle resumed his breakfast, and was munching toast sopped in coffee, oblivious of his guest, when the third bell rang.
-- Mr Blandois in his gallantry had risen to hand that lady her tea (her dish of toast was already there), and it was in placing the cup conveniently within her reach that the watch, lying before her as it always did, attracted his attention.
-- The occasional rattle of applause upon the tables of the Snuggery, denoted the successful termination of a morsel of Harmony; or the responsive acceptance, by the united children, of some toast or sentiment offered to them by their Father.
-- As it was very cold at the greater part of the table, the other guests also resumed their former seats by the fire, designing to toast themselves well before going to bed.
-- Meg went back to toast her feet and read IVANHOE, and Jo began to dig paths with great energy.
-- Meg helped Jo clear away the remains of the feast, which took half the afternoon and left them so tired that they agreed to be contented with tea and toast for supper.
-- So the toast was drunk, the pledge made and loyally kept in spite of many temptations, for with instinctive wisdom, the girls seized a happy moment to do their friend a service, for which he thanked them all his life.