pretense是一个雅思常考词汇,这个词的常用解释为n. 借口,这个词在很多英文原版小说中怎么应用呢,今天小编就带您了解一下。
-- Excuse me a minute..." A secretary came in, with respectful familiarity and the modest consciousness, characteristic of every secretary, of superiority to his chief in the knowledge of their business; he went up to Oblonsky with some papers, and began, under pretense of asking a question, to explain some objection.
-- She merely smiled with a pretense of irony when he finished, and made no reply, because she had not heard what he said.
-- And I can't and won't knowingly make a pretense about it."
-- He sent the men to mow some clover for hay, picking out the worst patches where the clover was overgrown with grass and weeds and of no use for seed; again and again they mowed the best acres of clover, justifying themselves by the pretense that the bailiff had told them to, and trying to pacify him with the assurance that it would be splendid hay; but he knew that it was owing to those acres being so much easier to mow.
-- "This coldness--this pretense of feeling!"
-- 'But you speak of instruction, and of a profession; are you an adjunct to the provincial corps, as a master of the noble science of defense and of-fense; or, perhaps, you are one who draws lines and angles, under the pretense of expounding the mathematics?'
-- On the one hand, he said, was their great pale father, the gov-ernor of the Canadas, who had looked upon his children with a hard eye since their tomahawks had been so red; on the other, a people as numerous as themselves, who spoke a different language, possessed different interests, and loved them not, and who would be glad of any pretense to bring them in disgrace with the great white chief.
-- On pretense of helping her set the tables, he had a moment with her, and whimpered, "Lord, you're so lovely!"
-- He felt guilty for his scoffing; he suddenly saw the pathos in her pretense that this stretch of tar-paper and slatted walks was a blazing garden.
-- Then, it appeared, she had secretly sent for a shorthand book and, on pretense of helping Bert, she was using the typewriter in the bank, hoping that by next autumn she could join Martin and earn her own living as a stenographer.
-- When their skiis were entangled, they rolled into a drift, and as she clung to him, unafraid and unembarrassed, it seemed to him that in the roughness of tweeds she was but the softer and more wonderful--eyes fearless, cheeks brilliant as she brushed the coating of wet snow from them, flying legs of a slim boy, shoulders adorable in their pretense of sturdy boyishness-- But "I'm a sentimental fool!Leora was right!"
-- He had stopped his pretense of working; he was standing before her, arms akimbo, dark eyes demanding.
-- At length there sauntered up, on the opposite side of the way with a bad pretense of passing by accident a figure conspicuous for its dirty smartness, which after a great many frowns and jerks of the head, in resistance of the invitation, ultimately crossed the road and was brought into the shop.
-- 'If you would furnish him with an additional inducement to forgive you, let there be an irreconcilable breach, a most deadly quarrel, between you and me let there be a pretense of such a thing, I mean, of course and he'll do fast enough.
-- Thus appealed to, Teems gave up further pretense of not having overheard the conversation and furrowed hisblack brow.
-- And ifanyone should ever suspect that she No, no one must ever know!She must go on making a pretense of enthusiasmand pride in the Cause which she could not feel, acting out her part of the widow of a Confederate officer who bearsher grief bravely, whose heart is in the grave, who feels that her husband's death meant nothing if it aided the Cause totriumph.
-- Every girl with any pretense to accomplishments had sung or played the piano, and the tableaux vivants had beengreeted with flattering applause.
-- No sooner had the guest paid the usual stale com-pliments and bowed himself out, than Jenny, under pretense of asking an important question, informed Mr. Davis, the teacher, that Amy March had pickled limes in her desk.
-- Meg drew her aside, under pretense of pinning up a loose braid, and said approvingly, 'It was dreadfully provoking, but you kept your temper, and I'm so glad, Jo.'
-- Meg got behind his chair under pretense of smoothing the wrinkles out of his tired forehead, and stand-ing there, she said, with her panic increasing with every word .
-- All were struck with the stranger's air, all wondered who he could be; and Kitty and Lydia, determined if possible to find out, led the way across the street, under pretense of wanting something in an opposite shop, and fortunately had just gained the pave-ment when the two gentlemen, turning back, had reached the same spot.