brave是一个雅思常考词汇,这个词的常用解释为a. 勇敢的v. 勇敢地面对(危险等),这个词在很多英文原版小说中怎么应用呢,今天小编就带您了解一下。
-- He was known to be brave to excess, and full of daring and chivalry—a Fer-gus of the nineteenth century; but his goodness excelled every other quality, and he was more charitable than St. Martin himself, for he would have given the whole of his cloak to any of the poor Highlanders.
-- "That Mary Grant must be a brave girl," said the Major.
-- And then see all the brave men that have enlisted in the service of the good cause.
-- "Well, really," said Lady Glenarvan, "you are so proud of your yacht that you make me wish to look all over it; and I should like to go down and see how our brave men are lodged."
-- Why, the ship we're on, of course—a good ship that has been commended to me, not only for its physical qualities, but also for the moral qualities of its commander, the brave Captain Burton.
-- 'But how brave you are!'
-- Be pa-tient, Jo, don't get despondent or do rash things, write to me often, and be my brave girl, ready to help and cheer all.
-- It was a little thing, but it went straight to their hearts, and in spite of their brave resolutions, they all broke down and cried bitterly.
-- Mr. Laurence looked so alarming and spoke so sharply that Jo would have gladly run away, if she could, but she was perched aloft on the steps, and he stood at the foot, a lion in the path, so she had to stay and brave it out.
-- Yes; all these brave houses and flowery gardens came from the Atlantic, Pacific, and Indian oceans.
-- And brave as he might be, it was that sort of bravery chiefly, visible in some intrepid men, which, while generally abiding firm in the conflict with seas, or winds, or whales, or any of the ordinary irrational horrors of the world, yet cannot withstand those more terrific, because more spiritual terrors, which sometimes menace you from the concentrating brow of an enraged and mighty man.
-- A brave stave that who calls?
-- This is the sort of weather when brave hearts snap ashore, and keeled hulls split at sea.
-- But at length, such calamities did ensue in these assaults not restricted to sprained wrists and ankles, broken limbs, or devouring amputations but fatal to the last degree of fatality; those repeated disastrous repulses, all accumulating and piling their terrors upon Moby Dick; those things had gone far to shake the fortitude of many brave hunters, to whom the story of the White Whale had eventually come.
-- You're a brave boy.
-- Ha!ha!you're a brave boy, Oliver.'
-- The Spaniard, who was as bold and brave as could be imagined, though weak, had fought the Indian a good while, and had cut two great wounds on his head; but the savage being a stout, lusty fellow, closing in with him, had thrown him down, being faint, and was wringing my sword out of his hand; when the Spaniard, though undermost, wisely quitting the sword, drew the pistol from his girdle, shot the savage through the body, and killed him upon the spot, before I, who was run-ning to help him, could come near him.
-- "To-morrow," he said at parting, a gayety of manner adding wonderfully to his brave demeanour.
-- The idea of you thinking you had pluck enough to lynch a MAN!Because you're brave enough to tar and feather poor friendless cast-out women that come along here, did that make you think you had grit enough to lay your hands on a MAN?
-- Your newspapers call you a brave people so much that you think you are brav-er than any other people whereas you're just AS brave, and no braver.
-- These brave words, said in a piercing voice, made all the other Marionettes cry.
-- And after four or five sneezes, he opened wide his arms and said to Pinocchio: "You are a brave boy!Come to my arms and kiss me!"
-- If you can catch them, you're a brave one!"
-- That brave little animal, the Snail, had taken exactly nine hours to go from the fourth floor to the street.