
发布时间:2021-12-28 13:01:04


fortune是一个雅思常考词汇,这个词的常用解释为n. 运气; 命运; 财产; 财富,这个词在很多英文原版小说中怎么应用呢,今天小编就带您了解一下。



-- His passion is for the British law, and he has spent a large fortune in litigation.

-- He is said to have about seven lawsuits upon his hands at present, which will probably swallow up the remainder of his fortune and so draw his sting and leave him harmless for the future.

-- And the messenger of good fortune was none other than Mr. Frankland, who was standing, gray-whiskered and red-faced, outside the gate of his garden, which opened on to the high road along which I travelled.



-- Even Barashkoff, inured to the storms of evil fortune as he was, could not stand this last stroke.

-- A few only, of whom Lebedeff made one, stood their ground; he had contrived to walk side by side with Rogojin, for he quite un-derstood the importance of a man who had a fortune of a million odd roubles, and who at this moment carried a hun-dred thousand in his hand.

-- He was a widower, and had no relations left, excepting the prince's aunt, a poor woman living on charity, who was herself at the point of death from dropsy; but who had time, before she died, to set Salaskin to work to find her nephew, and to make her will bequeathing her newly-acquired fortune to him.

-- This was contradicted, and the rumour circu-lated that it was a young merchant who had come into the enormous fortune and married the great ballet dancer, and that at the wedding the drunken young fool had burned seventy thousand roubles at a candle out of pure bravado.

-- All that had been said as to the prince being an undoubted heir to a fortune turned out to be perfectly true; but the fortune proved to be much smaller than was at first reported.



-- Tell me now, O Muses that dwell on Olympus, who was the first of the Argives to bear away blood-stained spoils af-ter Neptune lord of the earthquake had turned the fortune of war.

-- Her swift ar-rows were shed upon the ground, and she fled weeping from under Juno's hand as a dove that flies before a falcon to the cleft of some hollow rock, when it is her good fortune to es-cape.



-- Another school of opinion followed Mr. Fearenside, and either accepted the piebald view or some modification of it; as, for instance, Silas Durgan, who was heard to assert that "if he choses to show enself at fairs he'd make his fortune in no time," and being a bit of a theologian, compared the stranger to the man with the one talent.



-- Still ignorant of the fate of those who had trusted to the aid of the swift current, he at first listened intently to any signal or sounds of alarm, which might announce the good or evil fortune of their hazardous undertaking.

-- 'Ma foi!mesdames; j'en suis f脝聮che pour vous,' exclaimed the young soldier, touching his cap with grace; 'mais fortune de guerre!vous trouverez notre general un brave homme, et bien poli avec les dames.'

-- 'The fidelity of 'The Long Rifle' is well known to me,' re-turned Munro, 'and is above suspicion; though his usual good fortune seems, at last, to have failed.

-- An-other shout announced the good fortune of the youth to his companions, and at once terminated the search.

-- But soon re-gaining his naturally firm voice, he continued: 'His bad fortune is the true reason of my being here, for it would nev-er do to abandon such a boy to the Hurons.



-- During his sea faring days he had cruised the South Seas, and he determined now to seek his fortune there.



-- And hundreds of times Captain Harding had almost been among those who were not counted by the terrible Grant; but in these combats where he never spared himself, fortune favored him till the moment when he was wounded and taken prisoner on the field of battle near Richmond.

-- The honest sailor did not hide his regret at being reduced for dinner to the singing pheasants, but fortune once more showed itself obliging to him.

-- It was a fortune which had fallen from the sky.



-- 'I'll be of better cheer, Nell,' he said; 'there must be good fortune in store for thee I do not ask it for myself, but thee.

-- said the other, returning to his seat after having paced the room twice or thrice, 'will you talk seriously for two minutes, if I show you a way to make your fortune with very little trouble?'

-- While I thought you were making your fortune (as you said you were) you were making yourself a beggar, eh?

-- 'I know it did,' answered the old man, 'but that was the very worst fortune of all, and the time had not come then.








