distinctly是一个雅思常考词汇,这个词的常用解释为ad. 显然, 清楚地,这个词在很多英文原版小说中怎么应用呢,今天小编就带您了解一下。
-- Part of every winter she had been used to spend in Bath; but Bristol was her home, the very heart of Bristol; for though the father and mother had died some years ago, an uncle remained in the law line nothing more distinctly honourable was hazarded of him, than that he was in the law line; and with him the daughter had lived.
-- She was in the adjoining chamber while she still spoke, and opening the casement there, immediately called Mr. Knightley's attention, and every syllable of their conversa-tion was as distinctly heard by the others, as if it had passed within the same apartment.
-- At this moment Frank began talking so vigorously, that Emma could not but imagine he had overheard his own praises, and did not want to hear more; and the voices of the ladies were drowned for a while, till another suspension brought Mrs. Elton's tones again distinctly forward. Mr.
-- ' And Emma distinctly heard him add, in a lower tone, before he quitted the room, 'I have been as good as my word.
-- The question was such a profound one that Henery was obliged to drink there and then from the large cup till the bottom was distinctly visible inside.
-- The whole string of trailing individuals advanced in the completest balance of intention, like the remarkable creatures known as Chain Salp脙娄, which, distinctly organized in other respects, have one will common to a whole family.
-- He was a gentlemanly man, with full and distinctly outlined Roman features, the prominences of which glowed in the sun with a bronze-like richness of tone.
-- It was a moment when a woman's eyes and tongue tell distinctly opposite tales.
-- PARTICULARS OF A TWILIGHT WALKWe now see the element of folly distinctly mingling with the many varying particulars which made up the character of Bathsheba Everdene.
-- He grew thinner and thinner; his legs were shrunken, his cheeks, once so puffed out by contented bourgeois prosperity, were covered with wrinkles, and the outlines of the jawbones were distinctly visible; there were deep furrows in his forehead.
-- In another moment the light was put out, and again he distinctly heard the breathing of two men, but no sound of a door being opened or shut.
-- When I mingled with other families I distinctly discerned how peculiarly fortunate my lot was, and grati-tude assisted the development of filial love.
-- I discovered more distinctly the black sides of Jura, and the bright summit of Mont Blanc.
-- I knew nothing then of the discoveries that are occasionally made of bodies buried in ancient times, which fall to powder in the moment of being distinctly seen; but, I have often thought since, that she must have looked as if the admission of the natural light of day would have struck her to dust.
-- I was fully old enough now to be apprenticed to Joe; and when Joe sat with the poker on his knees thoughtfully raking out the ashes between the lower bars, my sister would so distinctly construe that innocent action into opposition on his part, that she would dive at him, take the poker out of his hands, shake him, and put it away.
-- Now, turn to that paper, and tell me whether it distinctly states that the prisoner expressly said that his legal advisers instructed him altogether to reserve his defence?"
-- "Now, follow that passage with your eye, and tell me whether it distinctly states that the prisoner expressly said that he was instructed by his legal advisers wholly to reserve his defence?
-- Now, you are distinctly to understand that you are most positively prohibited from making any inquiry on this head, or any allusion or reference, however distant, to any individual whomsoever as the individual, in all the communications you may have with me.
-- His voice was shrill, but very clear 27and articulate; and I could distinctly hear it when I stood up.
-- I could see distinctly the limbs of these vermin with my naked eye, much better than those of a European louse through a microscope, and their snouts with which they rooted like swine.
-- Some of them coming forward near the place where I lay, gave me an opportunity of distinctly marking their form.
-- Phenomenon almost incredible though distinctly seen, what did he then behold but his own metallurgical Louisa, peeping with all her might through a hole in a deal board, and his own mathematical Thomas abasing himself on the ground to catch but a hoof of the graceful equestrian Tyrolean flower-act!
-- He stood on a raised stage, under his own loom; and, looking up at the shape the loom took, and hearing the burial service distinctly read, he knew that he was there to suffer death.
-- ' This was so distinctly one of his subjects that he interposed.