
发布时间:2021-12-28 13:01:03


timid是一个雅思常考词汇,这个词的常用解释为a. 胆怯的, 怯懦的,这个词在很多英文原版小说中怎么应用呢,今天小编就带您了解一下。



-- said the timid man, becoming a man of brazen courage all of a sudden.

-- The facility with which even the most timid women sometimes acquire a relish for the dreadful when that is amalgamated with a little triumph, is marvellous.

-- she asked, in what, for a defiant girl, was a faltering way; though, for a timid girl, it would have seemed a brave way enough.



-- Taillefer stole a timid glance at the young student.



-- Elizabeth observed my agitation for some time in timid and fearful silence, but there was something in my glance which communicated terror to her, and trembling, she asked, 'What is it that agitates you, my dear Victor?



-- A faintblush was creeping over his face as she turned, for he was timid with girls.

-- Too wide across the cheek bones, too pointed atthe chin, it was a sweet, timid face but a plain face, and she had no feminine tricks of allure to make observers forgetits plainness.

-- She had smiled with timid liking when she greeted Scarlett and told her how pretty her green dress was, andScarlett had been hard put to be even civil in reply, so violently did she want to speak alone with Ashley.

-- The men in the commissary were not very exciting, and the sight of Frank's timid courting annoyedher until she found it difficult to be polite to him.

-- He was unfailingly courteous to her, but she was a little timid with him, largelybecause she was shy with any man she had not known from childhood.



-- Through all my punishments, disgraces, fasts, and vigils, and other penitential performances, I had nursed this assurance; and to my communing so much with it, in a solitary and unprotected way, I in great part refer the fact that I was morally timid and very sensitive.



-- I have thought sometimes;' Sissy very timid here; 'that perhaps I tried to learn too much, and that if I had asked to be allowed to try a little less, I might have ''No, Jupe, no,' said Mr. Gradgrind, shaking his head in his profoundest and most eminently practical way.

-- 'It is Mr. Bounderby,' said Sissy, timid of the name, 'and your brother Mr. Tom, and a young woman who says her name is Rachael, and that you know her.'



-- The old influence of her presence and her stern strong voice, so gathered about her son, that he felt conscious of a renewal of the timid chill and reserve of his childhood.

-- He saw how anxious and timid she was, and appeared sorry.

-- To see her hand upon his arm in mute entreaty half-repressed, and her timid little shrinking figure turning away, was to see a sad, sad sight.

-- She came up after him, in the usual plain dress, and with the usual timid manner.

-- With these words, and with a hasty gesture fraught with timid caution such a gesture had Clennam's eyes been familiar with in the old time poor Flora left herself at eighteen years of age, a long long way behind again; and came to a full stop at last.



-- Elizabeth, or Beth, as everyone called her, was a rosy, smoothhaired, bright-eyed girl of thirteen, with a shy manner, a timid voice, and a ;peaceful expression which was seldom disturbed.

-- She hears him coming and hides, sees him put the potions into two cups of wine and bid the the timid little servant, 'Bear them to the captives in their cells, and tell them I shall come anon.'

-- They shout and gesticulate tremendously but cannot agree, and Rodrigo is about to bear away the exhausted Zara, when the timid servant enters with a letter and a bag from Hagar, who has mysteriously disappeared.

-- Old Mr. Laurence was the biggest one, but after he had called, said something funny or kind to each one of the girls, and talked over old times with their moth-er, nobody felt much afraid of him, except timid Beth.

-- Here a little hand slipped into his, and Beth looked up at him with a face full of gratitude, as she said, in her earnest yet timid way... 'Oh sir, they do care, very very much!'



-- A curious sight; these bashful bears, these timid warrior whalemen!





