awkward是一个雅思常考词汇,这个词的常用解释为a. 难使用的; 笨拙的; 尴尬的,这个词在很多英文原版小说中怎么应用呢,今天小编就带您了解一下。
-- It put me in a most awkward position.
-- 'The children did not love me at first; I was such a sickly, awkward kind of a fellow then and I know I am ugly.
-- 'It was only out of generosity, madame,' he said in a reso-nant voice, 'and because I would not betray a friend in an awkward position, that I did not mention this revision be-fore; though you heard him yourself threatening to kick us down the steps.
-- At a word of command from Montgomery, the four men in the launch sprang up, and with singularly awkward ges-tures struck the lugs.
-- The savage spoke carelessly to his comrades, who were busied, after their awkward manner, in preparing the hors-es for the reception of the sisters, and moved a little to one side, whither by a cautious gesture he induced Heyward to follow.
-- 'Had I been conscious that Monsieur Montcalm was mas-ter of the English, I should have spared myself the trouble of so awkward a translation,' said the vexed Duncan, dryly; remembering instantly his recent by-play with Munro.
-- He said all this slowly, detaching statement from statement with a little awkward silence, and he kept his kind, foolish eyes fixed on mine.
-- I am a little shy of any assumption of moral indignation; there is always in it an element of self-satisfaction which makes it awkward to anyone who has a sense of humour.
-- There the river was eighty feet in breadth, which was awkward to cross, but as Pencroft had taken upon himself to conquer this difficulty, he was compelled to do it.
-- Kit was a shock-headed, shambling, awkward lad with an uncommonly wide mouth, very red cheeks, a turned-up nose, and certainly the most comical expression of face I ever saw.
-- After an awkward pause, she thrust her head out of the window again, and had another conference with the driver upon some point on which they did not seem to agree quite so readily as on their former topic of discussion; but they concluded at last, and she addressed the grandfather again.
-- 'Not of plundering among present company!Honour among among gentlemen, Sir,' returned the other, who seemed to have been very near giving an awkward termination to the sentence.
-- Nekhludoff released her, and for a moment felt not only awkward and ashamed, but seemed odious to himself.
-- The foreman and some of the jury rose from their seats, and, holding their hands in awkward positions, approached the table and looked in turn on the ring, vials and jars.
-- And last of all, that evident confusion in the sunshine, that hasty yet fumbling awkward flight towards dark shadow, and that peculiar carriage of the head while in the light all reinforced the theory of an extreme sensitiveness of the retina.
-- It is true he went awkwardly in these clothes at first: wearing the drawers was very awkward to him, and the sleeves of the waistcoat galled his shoulders and the inside of his arms; but a little easing them where he complained they hurt him, and using himself to them, he took to them at length very well.
-- However, I found two pieces which appeared pretty good, and with these I went to work; and with a great deal of pains, and awkward stitching, you may be sure, for want of needles, I at length made a three-cornered ugly thing, like what we call in England a shoulder-of-mutton sail, to go with a boom at bottom, and a little short sprit at the top, such as usually our ships' long-boats sail with, and such as I best knew how to manage, as it was such a one as I had to the boat in which I made my escape from Barbary, as relat-ed in the first part of my story.
-- You will find me a very awkward narrator, Miss Dashwood; I hardly know where to begin.
-- It was a very awkward moment; and the countenance of each shewed that it was so.
-- The merest awkward country girl, without style, or elegance, and almost without beauty. I remember her perfectly.
-- She had her elbow in an awkward position under her side.
-- And when you throw at a rat or anything, hitch yourself up a tiptoe and fetch your hand up over your head as awkward as you can, and miss your rat about six or seven foot.
-- We fetched an armful and hid it in the weeds, and set down to rest, and Tom says, kind of dissatisfied: 'Blame it, this whole thing is just as easy and awkward as it can be.
-- Pinocchio freed himself from his awkward position and once more began to run in order to reach the Fairy's house before dark.