electricity是一个雅思常考词汇,这个词的常用解释为n. 电, 电流; 电学,这个词在很多英文原版小说中怎么应用呢,今天小编就带您了解一下。
-- The violence of the storm had abated, but it had developed in the atmosphere a considerable quantity of vapors, to which electricity was about to communicate immense force.
-- It flies nineteen million times faster than the best race-horse; and yet electricity is quicker still.
-- Why should there not be some new force, still unknown to us, which..." "When electricity was discovered," Levin interrupted hurriedly, "it was only the phenomenon that was discovered, and it was unknown from what it proceeded and what were its effects, and ages passed before its applications were conceived.
-- "Very good, electricity and heat are the same thing; but is it possible to substitute the one quantity for the other in the equation for the solution of any problem?
-- The waves of the sea of unconsciousness had begun to meet over his head, when all at once--it was as though a violent shock of electricity had passed over him.
-- On this occasion a man of great research in natural philosophy was with us, and excited by this catastrophe, he entered on the explanation of a theory which he had formed on the subject of electricity and gal-vanism, which was at once new and astonishing to me.
-- "Professor," said Captain Nemo, "my electricity is not everybody's.
-- I owe all to the ocean; it produces electricity, and electricity gives heat, light, motion, and, in a word, life to the Nautilus."
-- However, if electricity does not furnish me with air to breathe, it works at least the powerful pumps that are stored in spacious reservoirs, and which enable me to prolong at need, and as long as I will, my stay in the depths of the sea.
-- The electricity produced passes forward, where it works, by electro-magnets of great size, on a system of levers and cog-wheels that transmit the movement to the axle of the screw.
-- From that a power ""That electricity alone can give," said the Captain, hastily.
-- In our night-time, there's always the electricity switched on, we watch ourselves, we get it all in the head, really.
-- The electricity was turgid and voluptuously rich, in his limbs.
-- Terrible shocks ran over her body, like shocks of electricity, as if many volts of electricity suddenly struck her down.
-- His glistening, whitish hair seemed like the electricity of the sky.
-- The electricity was carried into every mine.
-- time, and metros, measure) a time measurer, or superior watcg--Ruhmkorff's coil, an instrument for producing currents of induced electricity of great intensity.
-- This ingenious application of electricity to practical purposes enabled us to move along by the light of an artificial day, amid even the flow of the most inflammable and combustible gases.
-- The atmosphere is being gradually loaded with vapors, which carry with them the electricity formed by the constant evaporation of the saline waters; the clouds are slowly but sensibly falling towards the sea, and are assuming a dark-olive texture; the electric rays can scarcely pierce through the opaque curtain which has fallen like a drop scene before this wondrous theater, on the stage of which another and terrible drama is soon to be enacted.
-- Then all went out and darkness once more fell upon the deep!I had just time to see my uncle once more cast apparently senseless on the flooring of the raft, Hans at the helm, "spitting fire" under the influence of the electricity which seemed to have gone through him.
-- Hence the explanation of those heavy clouds suspended over our heads, and the superabundant display of that electricity which occasioned such terrible storms in this deep and cavernous sea.
-- The magnetic energy, as developed in the mariner's needle, is, as all know, essentially one with the electricity beheld in heaven; hence it is not to be much marvelled at, that such things should be.