release是一个雅思常考词汇,这个词的常用解释为vt. /n. 释放; 发表,这个词在很多英文原版小说中怎么应用呢,今天小编就带您了解一下。
-- It is enough that I have thought of it, and can release you.'
-- I do; and I release you.
-- 'For the love of Heaven, of justice, of generosity, of the honour of your noble name, I supplicate you, Monsieur heretofore the Marquis, to succour and release me.
-- 'Surely it will release him!'
-- His high per-sonal popularity, and the clearness of his answers, made a great impression; but, as he proceeded, as he showed that the Accused was his first friend on his release from his long imprisonment; that, the accused had remained in England, always faithful and devoted to his daughter and himself in their exile; that, so far from being in favour with the Aris-406 A tale of two citiestocrat government there, he had actually been tried for his life by it, as the foe of England and friend of the United States as he brought these circumstances into view, with the greatest discretion and with the straightforward force of truth and earnestness, the Jury and the populace became one.
-- I shall die; and I'm very glad I shall die, and release myself and you."
-- "This sum will be restored to you upon your release from prison," said the judge.
-- He felt free, in release from the little fields of Winnemac and Ohio, in relaxation from the shaky nerves of midnight study and midnight booziness.
-- At last thisdocument appeared to be got out of the way, somehow; at allevents it ceased to be the rock ahead it had been; and Mrs.Micawber informed me that 'her family' had decided that Mr.Micawber should apply for his release under the InsolventDebtors' Act, which would set him free, she expected, in about sixweeks.
-- Then I told her, with my arms clasped roundher, how I loved her, so dearly, and so dearly; how I felt it right tooffer to release her from her engagement, because now I was poor;how I never could bear it, or recover it, if I lost her; how I had nofears of poverty, if she had none, my arm being nerved and myheart inspired by her; how I was al- ready working with a couragesuch as none but lovers knew; how I had begun to be practical, andlook into the future; how a crust well earned was sweeter far than afeast inherited; and much more to the same purpose, which I 500delivered in a burst of passionate eloquence quite surprising tomyself, though I had been thinking about it, day and night, eversince my aunt had astonished me.
-- And when the timecomes- may it come soon, if it be His merciful pleasure!- when mydeath shall release her from constraint, I shall close my eyes upon 573her honoured face, with unbounded confidence and love; andleave her, with no sorrow then, to happier and brighter days.'
-- To take our future on myself,will be the next great happiness- the next to his release from alltrust and responsibility- that I can know.'
-- 542 EmmaNow, my dear madam, I will release you; but I could not conclude before.
-- "The sooner the better," she said, hoping that perhaps he would release the crushing pressure on her rings beforeshe had to ask him to do it.
-- By degrees, I became calm enough to release my grasp and partake of pudding.
-- That Compeyson stood in mortal fear of him, neither of the two could know much better than I; and that any such man as that man had been described to be would hesitate to release himself for good from a dreaded enemy by the safe means of becoming an informer was scarcely to be imagined.
-- This release had befallen her some two years before; for anything I knew, she was married again.
-- This minute he expects me, for I could release myself of his presence by no other means.
-- If, in remembrance of the pains bestowed upon you there, you can persuade yourself in any degree to disregard your present interest and release my son, I entreat and pray you to give him the benefit of that remembrance.'
-- In this case, it was absolutely necessary to release it as quickly as possible.
-- And he went in to her softly, feeling the stream of tenderness flowing in release from his bowels to hers, the bowels of compassion kindled between them.
-- The only thing was to release his self-pity.
-- With a joyful sense of release he passed through the lodge, and found himself again in the little outer court-yard where he had spoken to the brother last night.
-- Thinking of her, and of the possibility of her father's release from prison by the unbarring hand of death the only change of circumstance he could foresee that might enable him to be such a friend to her as he wished to be, by altering her whole manner of life, smoothing her rough road, and giving her a home he regarded her, in that perspective, as his adopted daughter, his poor child of the Marshalsea hushed to rest.