marking是一个雅思常考词汇,这个词的常用解释为n. 唛头, 标记,这个词在很多英文原版小说中怎么应用呢,今天小编就带您了解一下。
-- When our friends left I at once followed them in the hopes of marking down their invisible attendant.
-- He had that rather wild, strained, seared marking about the eyes, which may be observed in all free livers of his class, from the portrait of Jeffries downward, and which can be traced, under various disguises of Art, through the portraits of every Drinking Age.
-- During the night Camp Walbach was passed on the left; Lodge Pole Creek ran parallel with the road, marking the boundary between the territories of Wyoming and Colorado.
-- someone could be heard within dancing frantically, marking time with his heels to the sounds of the guitar and of a thin falsetto voice sing-ing a jaunty air.
-- 'I have been with him going on fouryear, Master Copperfield,' said Uriah; shutting up his book, aftercarefully marking the place where he had left off.
-- If you will allow me to take the libertyof re- marking that there are few comestibles better, in their way,than a Devil, and that I believe, with a little division of labour, wecould accomplish a good one if the young person in attendancecould produce a gridiron, I would put it to you, that this littlemisfortune may be easily repaired.'
-- 160 EmmaEvery thing that I have said or done, for many weeks past, has been with the sole view of marking my adoration of yourself.
-- He had been used to think her unjust to Jane, and had now great pleasure in marking an improvement.
-- Had she followed Mr. Knightley's known wishes, in paying that attention to Miss Fairfax, which was every way her due; had she tried to know her better; had she done her part towards intimacy; had she endeavoured to find a friend there instead of in Harriet Smith; she must, in all proba-bility, have been spared from every pain which pressed on her now. Birth, abilities, and education, had been equal-ly marking one as an associate for her, to be received with gratitude; and the other what was she? Supposing even that they had never become intimate friends; that she had never been admitted into Miss Fairfax's confidence on this important matter which was most probable still, in knowing her as she ought, and as she might, she must have been preserved from the abominable suspicions of an im-proper attachment to Mr. Dixon, which she had not only so foolishly fashioned and harboured herself, but had so unpardonably imparted; an idea which she greatly feared had been made a subject of material distress to the delica-cy of Jane's feelings, by the levity or carelessness of Frank Churchill's.
-- Oak took from his illimitable pockets a marking iron, dipped it into the pot, and imprinted on the buttocks of the infant sheep the initials of her he delighted to muse on "B. E.," which signified to all the region round that henceforth the lambs belonged to Farmer Bathsheba Everdene, and to no one else.
-- I now related my history briefly but with firmness and precision, marking the dates with accuracy and never deviating into invective or exclamation.
-- "I hope you two are marking my words," she continued, "for it's partly yourfault, being so pleasant to him.
-- Some of them coming forward near the place where I lay, gave me an opportunity of distinctly marking their form.
-- They walked on across the fields and down the shady lanes, sometimes getting over a fragment of a fence so rotten that it dropped at a touch of the foot, sometimes passing near a wreck of bricks and beams overgrown with grass, marking the site of deserted works.
-- Let me confess then, that, forgetting how grave I was, and how old I was, and how the time for such things had gone by me with the many years of sameness and little happiness that made up my long life far away, without marking it that, forgetting all this, I fancied I loved some one.'
-- But I beat the thing down; and again marking the sleeper, jocularly hinted to Queequeg that perhaps we had best sit up with the body; telling him to establish himself accordingly.
-- While thus employed, the heavy pewter lamp suspended in chains over his head, continually rocked with the motion of the ship, and for ever threw shifting gleams and shadows of lines upon his wrinkled brow, till it almost seemed that while he himself was marking out lines and courses on the wrinkled charts, some invisible pencil was also tracing lines and courses upon the deeply marked chart of his forehead.
-- Marking all this, Stubb argued well for his scheme, and turning to the Guernsey-man had a little chat with him, during which the stranger mate expressed his detestation of his Captain as a conceited ignoramus, who had brought them all into so unsavory and unprofitable a pickle.
-- And now marking that the vane or flag was gone from the main-mast-head, he shouted to Tashtego, who had just gained that perch, to descend again for another flag, and a hammer and nails, and so nail it to the mast.
-- Corney, ma'am,' said Mr. Bumble, slowly, and marking the time with his teaspoon, 'I mean to say this, ma'am; that any cat, or kitten, that could live with you, ma'am, and not be fond of its home, must be a ass, ma'am.'
-- As to the bar-rel that had been wet, I did not apprehend any danger from that; so I placed it in my new cave, which, in my fancy, I called my kitchen; and the rest I hid up and down in holes among the rocks, so that no wet might come to it, marking very carefully where I laid it.
-- In every meeting of the kind Willoughby was included; and the ease and familiarity which naturally attended these parties were exactly calculated to give increasing intimacy to his acquaintance with the Dashwoods, to afford him opportunity of witnessing the excellencies of Marianne, of marking his animated admiration of her, and of receiving, in her behaviour to himself, the most pointed assurance of her affection.
-- In her indifferent wandering she turned into Jackson Street, not far from the river, and was keeping her way along the south side of that imposing thoroughfare, when a piece of wrapping paper, written on with marking ink and tacked up on the door, attracted her attention.
-- Immediately at the feet of the party, the south-ern shore of the Horican swept in a broad semicircle from mountain to mountain, marking a wide strand, that soon rose into an uneven and somewhat elevated plain.