curly是一个雅思常考词汇,这个词的常用解释为a. 卷曲的; 有卷毛的,这个词在很多英文原版小说中怎么应用呢,今天小编就带您了解一下。
-- "Matvey, my sister Anna Arkadyevna will be here tomorrow," he said, checking for a minute the sleek, plump hand of the barber, cutting a pink path through his long, curly whiskers.
-- That is he," said the doorkeeper, pointing to a strongly built, broadshouldered man with a curly beard, who, without taking off his sheepskin cap, was running lightly and rapidly up the worn steps of the stone staircase.b One of the members going down--a lean official with a portfolio--stood out of his way and looked disapprovingly at the legs of the stranger, then glanced inquiringly at Oblonsky.
-- The old curly birches of the gardens, all their twigs laden with snow, looked as though freshly decked in sacred vestments.
-- All that was noticeable was the little wilful tendrils of her curly hair that would always break free about her neck and temples.
-- And to her surprise Dolly saw that Anna was blushing up to her ears, up to the curly black ringlets on her neck.
-- Down the central aisle, ineffectively attended by a small fussy person, thundered a man with a smile, a broad brow, and a strawpile of curly flaxen hair-- a Newfoundland dog of a man.
-- They who had at first kept cool could not endure the strain of wakening at night to see upon their windows the glow of the pile of logs on Admiral Knob, the emergency crematory where Gustaf Sondelius and his curly gray mop had been shoveled into the fire along with a crippled Negro boy and a Hindu beggar.
-- 脗路 'And I am sure we never had a word of difference respecting it, except when Mr. Copperfield objected to my threes and fives being too much like each other, or to my putting curly tails to my sevens and nines,' resumed my mother in another burst, and breaking down again.
-- I really thought she was, she had been so short with me; but I wasquite mistaken: for she laid aside her work (which was a stockingof her own), and opening her arms wide, took my curly headwithin them, and gave it a good squeeze.
-- He was, now, a huge,strong fellow of six feet high, broad in proportion, and round-shouldered; but with a simpering boy's face and curly light hairthat gave him quite a sheepish look.
-- She is a little girl, in aspencer, with a round face and curly flaxen hair.
-- He thoroughly cleaned his silver watch-chain with whiting, put new lacing straps to his boots, looked to the brass eyelet-holes, went to the inmost heart of the plantation for a new walking-stick, and trimmed it vigorously on his way back; took a new handkerchief from the bottom of his clothes-box, put on the light waistcoat patterned all over with sprigs of an elegant flower uniting the beauties of both rose and lily without the defects of either, and used all the hair-oil he possessed upon his usually dry, sandy, and inextricably curly hair, till he had deepened it to a splendidly novel colour, between that of guano and Roman cement, making it stick to his head like mace round a nutmeg, or wet seaweed round a boulder after the ebb.
-- From her standing-place in the road she could see him plainly, sitting quite still, his light curly head upon his hand, and only occasionally looking up to snuff the candle which stood beside him.
-- There were also a few of the Oxfordshire breed, whose wool was beginning to curl like a child's flaxen hair, though surpassed in this respect by the effeminate Leicesters, which were in turn less curly than the Cotswolds.
-- He was sixty years old and his crisp curly hair was silver-white, but his shrewd face was unlined and his hardlittle blue eyes were young with the unworried youthfulness of one who has never taxed his brain with problems moreabstract than how many cards to draw in a poker game.
-- She had a cloudof curly dark hair which was so sternly repressed beneath its net that no vagrant tendrils escaped, and this dark mass,with its long widow's peak, accentuated the heart shape of her face.
-- The shape of the letters on my father's, gave me an odd idea that he was a square, stout, dark man, with curly black hair.
-- I remember Mrs. Hubble as a little curly sharp-edged person in sky-blue, who held a conventionally juvenile position, because she had married Mr. Hubble,--I don't know at what remote period,--when she was much younger than he.
-- "When we was put in the dock, I noticed first of all what a gentleman Compeyson looked, wi' his curly hair and his black clothes and his white pocket-handkercher, and what a common sort of a wretch I looked.
-- 'Curly black hair, brown skin, big black eyes, handsome nose, fine teeth, small hands and feet, taller than I am, very polite, for a boy, and altogether jolly.
-- All quiet, curtains down at the lower win-dows, servants out of sight, and nothing human visible but a curly black head leaning on a thin hand at the upper win-dow.
-- and did honor to the coming guest by brushing his curly pate, putting on a fresh color, and trying tidy up the room, which in spite of half a dozen servants, was anything but neat.
-- My head feels deliciously light and cool, and the barber said I could soon have a curly crop, which will be boyish, becoming, and easy to keep in order.
-- Your hair is be-coming, and it looks very boyish and nice,' returned Meg, trying not to smile at the curly head, which looked comi-cally small on her tall sister's shoulders.