location是一个雅思常考词汇,这个词的常用解释为n. 位置, 场所, 定位, 测位,这个词在很多英文原版小说中怎么应用呢,今天小编就带您了解一下。
-- First thing is, I must find a location for my office.
-- They called on the Norbloms and Mr. Tozer hinted that "it might be nice for the Doctor to locate over the store, if the Norbloms were thinking of making any change--" The Norbloms stared at each other, with long, bleached, cautious, Scandinavian stares, and grumbled that they "didn't KNOW--of course it was the finest location in town--" Mr. Norblom admitted that if, against all probability, they ever considered moving, they would probably ask twenty-five dollars a month for the flat, unfurnished.
-- He went over in memory the names of a number of women he knew, and finally fixed on one, largely because of the convenient location of her home on the West Side, and promised himself that as he came out that evening he would see her.
-- She got the location of several playhouses fixed in her mind--notably the Grand Opera House and McVickar's, both of which were leading in attractions--and then came away.