
发布时间:2021-12-28 13:01:02


loyalty是一个雅思常考词汇,这个词的常用解释为n. 忠诚, 忠心,这个词在很多英文原版小说中怎么应用呢,今天小编就带您了解一下。



-- Well, when one of you scientific sharks can take the genius of a Ben Jonson and measure it with a yardstick, then I'll admit that we literary chaps, with our doubtless absurd belief in beauty and loyalty and the world o' dreams, are off on the wrong track!"

-- If she was vulgar, jocular, unreticent, she was also gallant, she was full of laughter at humbugs, she was capable of a loyalty too casual and natural to seem heroic.

-- From their first evening, Leora and he depended on each other's loyalty and liking, and certain things in his existence were settled forever.

-- He preached to himself, as Max Gottlieb had once preached to him, the loyalty of dissent, the faith of being very doubtful, the gospel of not bawling gospels, the wisdom of admitting the probable ignorance of one's self and of everybody else, and the energetic acceleration of a Movement for going very slow.

-- Beside him stood Max Gottlieb, and in Gottlieb's power he reverently sought to explain that mankind has ever given up eventual greatness because some crisis, some war or election or loyalty to a Messiah which at the moment seemed weighty, has choked the patient search for truth.



-- They were all still intensely ex-cited, and all overflowing with noisy expressions of their loyalty to the Law; yet I felt an absolute assurance in my own mind that the Hyena-swine was implicated in the rab-bit-killing.



-- It is true that the royal speech, at the close of such session, virtually said, My lords and gentlemen, you have through several laborious months been considering with great loyalty and patriotism, How not to do it, and you have found out; and with the blessing of Providence upon the harvest (natural, not political), I now dismiss you.



-- Meg longed to go and tell Mother, but a sense of shame at her own short comings, of loyalty to John, 'who might be cruel, but nobody should know it,' restrained her, and after a summary cleaning up, she dressed herself prettily, and sat down to wait for John to come and be forgiven.

-- Mr. Tudor's uncle had married an English lady who was third cousin to a living lord, and Amy regarded the whole family with great re-spect, for in spite of her American birth and breeding, she possessed that reverence for titles which haunts the best of us that unacknowledged loyalty to the early faith in kings which set the most democratic nation under the sun in fer-ment at the coming of a royal yellow-haired laddie, some years ago, and which still has something to do with the love the young country bears the old, like that of a big son for an imperious little mother, who held him while she could, and let him go with a farewell scolding when he rebelled.

-- Lessons in patience were so sweetly taught her that she could not fail to learn them, charity for all, the lovely spirit that can forgive and truly forget unkindness, the loyalty to duty that makes the hardest easy, and the sin-cere faith that fears nothing, but trusts undoubtingly.

-- But mothers, sisters, and friends may help to make the crop a small one, and keep many tares from spoil-ing the harvest, by believing, and showing that they believe, in the possibility of loyalty to the virtues which make men manliest in good women's eyes.


