boring是一个雅思常考词汇,这个词的常用解释为adj. 讨厌的,这个词在很多英文原版小说中怎么应用呢,今天小编就带您了解一下。
-- I am sure people make a great mistake in sorting each other into groups, by appearances; but I am boring you, I see, you ' 'Just two words: have you any means at all?
-- 'He is boring us!'
-- 'I see I have been boring you with my ' 'Not in the least not in the least, I assure you.
-- Well, au revoir, prince, I see I am keeping you, and boring you, too, interfering with your most interesting private reflections.'
-- He stayed with them one hour, two, three, talking of all sorts of subjects but the one thing that filled his heart, and did not observe that he was boring them dreadfully, and that it was long past their bedtime.
-- 'We 360 Crime and Punishmentare boring you, aren't we?'
-- 'I've been thinking all this time that we were sim-ply boring you and now I see that there is a great sorrow in store for you, and that's why you are miserable.
-- The boys were enchanted, as she had intended them to be, and they hastened to apologizefor boring her.
-- Having maneuvered them away from the boring subject of war, she went back with interest to their immediatesituation.
-- Oh, why was he so handsomely blond, so courteously aloof, so maddeningly boring with his talk about Europeand books and music and poetry and things that interested her not at all and yet so desirable?
-- Secession, war these words long since had become acutely boring to Scarlett from much repetition, but now shehated the sound of them, for they meant that the men would stand there for hours haranguing one another and shewould have no chance to corner Ashley.
-- Part Two CHAPTER VIII AS THE TRAIN carried Scarlett northward that May morning in 1862, she thought that Atlanta couldn't possiblybe so boring as Charleston and Savannah had been and, in spite of her distaste for Miss Pittypat and Melanie, shelooked forward with some curiosity toward seeing how the town had fared since her last visit, in the winter before thewar began.
-- The long serpent, covered with the remains of shells, bristling with foraminiferae, was encrusted with a strong coating which served as a protection against all boring molluscs.
-- One will escape from so much, that is the chief thing, escape so much hideous boring repetition of vulgar actions, vulgar phrases, vulgar postures.
-- And she skilfully behaved so that Sir Alexander should think that HE was lord and monarch of the whole caboosh, with his stout, would-be-genial paunch, and his utterly boring jokes, his humourosity, as Hilda called it.
-- Her face was set, and he saw that he was only boring her.