avail是一个雅思常考词汇,这个词的常用解释为v. 有益于, 有用; n. 用处, 利益,这个词在很多英文原版小说中怎么应用呢,今天小编就带您了解一下。
-- This is an opportunity, and I should like to avail myself of it, and make the ascent of the famous mountain while I am waiting for a ship to take me back to Europe."
-- He came into the fight with gold about him, like a girl; fool that he was, his gold was of no avail to save him, for he fell in the river by the hand of the fleet descendant of Aeacus, and Achilles bore away his gold.
-- Agamemnon led them on, and slew first Bienor, a leader of his people, and afterwards his comrade and charioteer Oileus, who sprang from his chariot and was coming full towards him; but Agamemnon struck him on the forehead with his spear; his bronze visor was of no avail against the weapon, which pierced both bronze and bone, so that his brains were battered in and he was killed in full fight.
-- You must have iron courage: sit now upon this seat, and for all our grief we will hide our sorrows in our hearts, for weeping will not avail us.
-- It would have been of as much avail to interrogate any stone face outside the chateau as to interrogate that face of his.
-- It is a hundred to one if I should avail myself of it four times in a year.
-- He had fully comprehended that 494 A tale of two citiesno personal influence could possibly save him, that he was virtually sentenced by the millions, and that units could avail him nothing.
-- * The North American warrior caused the hair to be plucked from his whole body; a small tuft was left on the crown of his head, in order that his enemy might avail him-self of it, in wrenching off the scalp in the event of his fall.
-- Cora, my child!if the prayers of a heart-bro-ken father could avail thee now, how blessed shouldst thou be!Come, gentlemen,' he added, looking about him with an air of lofty composure, though the anguish that quivered in his faded countenance was far too powerful to be concealed, 'our duty here is ended; let us depart.'
-- MissMurdstone reappeared before I was out of bed; told me, in so manywords, that I was free to walk in the garden for half an hour and nolonger; and retired, leaving the door open, that I might avail myselfof that permission.
-- 'I meant, Mr. Creakle,' he returned in a low voice, 'as I said; that nopupil had a right to avail himself of his position of favouritism todegrade me.'
-- I thanked him for his consideration; and, as he went down soonafterwards, and I was not tired, went down too, with a book in myhand, to avail myself, for half an hour, of his permission.
-- But if the various banking-houses refuse to avail themselves of Mr.Micawber's abilities, or receive the offer of them with contumely,what is the use of dwelling upon that idea?
-- I was encouraged by this closing admission on the part of MissMills to ask her, whether, for Dora's sake, if she had anyopportunity of luring her attention to such preparations for an 503earnest life, she would avail herself of it?
-- At her age she can have no experience, and with her little wit, is not very likely ever to have any that can avail her.
-- But these cares of Clerval were made of no avail when I visited the professors.
-- 'In his murder my crimes are consummated; the miserable series of my being is wound to its close!Oh, Frankenstein!Generous and self-devoted being!What does it avail that I now ask thee to pardon me?
-- 'I am telling your friend what's the fact; if you don't like to hear it, you can avail yourself of the open air.
-- If he did not avail himself of this latter civility, it was only because he had lost the relish for it; inasmuch as he took everything else he could get, and would say at times, 'Extremely civil person, Chivery; very attentive man and very respectful.
-- Which I most decidedly should not be slow to avail myself of, Amy.'
-- But to render this acuteness at all successful in the end, the wind and the sea must be the whaleman's allies; for of what present avail to the becalmed or windbound mariner is the skill that assures him he is exactly ninety-three leagues and a quarter from his port?
-- I only hope, for the sake of the rising male sex generally, that you may be found in as vulnerable and soft-hearted a mood by the first eligible young fellow who appeals to your compassion; and I wish I were a young fellow, that I might avail myself, on the spot, of such a favourable opportunity for doing so, as the present.'
-- 'My dear madam,' he replied, 'this invitation is particu-larly gratifying, because it is what I have been hoping to receive; and you may be very certain that I shall avail myself of it as soon as possible.'
-- As for Colonel Brandon, she was not only ready to worship him as a saint, but was moreover truly anxious that he should be treated as one in all worldly concerns; anxious that his tithes should be raised to the utmost; and scarcely resolved to avail herself, at Delaford, as far as she possibly could, of his servants, his carriage, his cows, and his poultry.