
发布时间:2021-12-28 13:01:01


definite是一个雅思常考词汇,这个词的常用解释为a. 明确的; 一定的; 意志坚强的, 立场坚定的,这个词在很多英文原版小说中怎么应用呢,今天小编就带您了解一下。



-- With no more definite purpose than to escape the hazard of originating any other kind of action.

-- If he had preserved any definite remembrance of it, there could be no doubt that he had supposed it destroyed with the Bastille, when he had found no mention of it among the relics of prisoners which the populace had discovered there, and which had been described to all the world.



-- In her family's eyes he had no ordinary, definite career and position in society, while his contemporaries by this time, when he was thirty-two, were already, one a colonel, and another a professor, another director of a bank and railways, or president of a board like Oblonsky.

-- He did not know that his mode of behavior in relation to Kitty had a definite character, that it is courting young girls with no intention of marriage, and that such courting is one of the evil actions common among brilliant young men such as he was.

-- Chapter 30 In the little German watering-place to which the Shtcherbatskys had betaken themselves, as in all places indeed where people are gathered together, the usual process, as it were, of the crystallization of society went on, assigning to each member of that society a definite and unalterable place.

-- Fuerst Shtcherbatsky, sammt Gemahlin und Tochter, by the apartments they took, and from their name and from the friends they made, were immediately crystallized into a definite place marked out for them.

-- The German princess said, "I hope the roses will soon come back to this pretty little face," and for the Shtcherbatskys certain definite lines of existence were at once laid down from which there was no departing.



-- He went through a change as definite as religious conversion or the coming of insane frenzy in war; the change from shamed reluctance to be unfaithful to his wife, to a determination to take what he could get.

-- It was a simple, clear, definite question which required for answer only the inmost knowledge of chemistry and biology, a few hundred animals on which to experiment, and perhaps ten or twenty or a million years of trying and failing.



-- The feeling of intense repulsion, which had begun to oppress and torture his heart while he was on his way to the old woman, had by now reached such a pitch and had taken such a definite form that he did not know what to do with himself to escape from his wretched-ness.

-- 'If it all has really been done deliberately and not idioti-cally, if I really had a certain and definite object, how is it I did not even glance into the purse and don't know what I had there, for which I have undergone these agonies, and have deliberately undertaken this base, filthy degrading business?

-- The pain from the lash went off, and Raskolnikov forgot about it; one uneasy and not quite definite idea occu-pied him now completely.

-- You must not be left without occupation, and so, work and a definite aim set before you might, I fancy, be very beneficial.'

-- By giving him, so to speak, a definite position, I shall put him out of suspense and set his mind at rest, so that he will retreat into his shell.



-- I don't think I had any definite ideawhere Dora came from or in what degree she was related to ahigher order of beings; but I am quite sure I should have scoutedthe notion of her being simply human, like any other young lady,with indignation and contempt.



-- Threepence had a definite value as money it was an appreciable infringement on a day's wages, and, as such, a higgling matter; but twopence "Here," he said, stepping forward and handing twopence to the gatekeeper; "let the young woman pass."

-- "Matthew Moon, ma'am," said a singular framework of clothes with nothing of any consequence inside them, which advanced with the toes in no definite direction forwards, but turned in or out as they chanced to swing.

-- Bathsheba was unable to direct her will into any definite groove for freeing herself from this fearfully awkward position.

-- There was something definite in that hope, for admitting that there might have been no deep thought in her words to Liddy about marriage, they showed at least her creed on the matter.

-- It was thus carelessly, and without having formed any definite plan for the future, that Troy found himself at Greenhill Fair with the rest of the company on this day.



-- So she gracefully evaded, for the time being, a definite answer as to the duration of her visit and slipped easilyinto the life of the red-brick house at the quiet end of Peachtree Street.



-- Without having any definite idea of the penalties I had incurred, it was clear to me that village boys could not go stalking about the country, ravaging the houses of gentlefolks and pitching into the studious youth of England, without laying themselves open to severe punishment.

-- He attached no definite meaning to the word that I am aware of, but used it, like his own pretended Christian name, to affront mankind, and convey an idea of something savagely damaging.

-- But we had looked forward to my one-and-twentieth birthday, with a crowd of speculations and anticipations, for we had both considered that my guardian could hardly help saying something definite on that occasion.



