
发布时间:2021-12-28 13:01:01


donkey是一个雅思常考词汇,这个词的常用解释为n. 驴子; 蠢人; 顽固的人,这个词在很多英文原版小说中怎么应用呢,今天小编就带您了解一下。



-- I rec-ollect I awoke from this state for the first time at Basle, one evening; the bray of a donkey aroused me, a donkey in the town market.

-- I saw the donkey and was extremely pleased with it, and from that moment my head seemed to clear.'

-- 'Now let's leave the donkey and go on to other matters.

-- The prince told us his experiences very cleverly; he saw the donkey himself, and what have you ever seen?

-- 'I have seen a donkey though, mamma!'



-- When the potter's donkey slipped in the clay pit, Mowgli hauled it out by the tail, and helped to stack the pots for their journey to the market at Khanhiwara.



-- and wasdragging me against the donkey in a violent manner, as if therewere any affinity between that animal and a magistrate, when hechanged his mind, jumped into the can, sat upon my box, and,exclaiming that he would drive to the pollis straight, rattled awayharder than ever.

-- The one greatoutrage of her life, demanding to be constantly avenged, was thepassage of a donkey over that immaculate spot.

-- In whateveroccupation she was engaged, however interesting to her theconversation in which she was taking part, a donkey turned thecurrent of her ideas in a moment, and she was upon him straight.

-- But the interruption, and the disordershe was thrown into by the struggle outside, put an end to allsofter ideas for the present, and kept my aunt indignantlydeclaiming to Mr. Dick about her determination to appeal forredress to the laws of her country, and to bring actions for trespassagainst the whole donkey proprietorship of Dover, until tea-time.

-- and I saw, from behind my aunt, a sortof hurried battle-piece, in which the donkey stood resistingeverybody, with all his four legs planted different ways, whileJanet tried to pull him round by the bridle, Mr. Murdstone tried tolead him on, Miss Murdstone struck at Janet with a parasol, andseveral boys, who had come to see the engagement, shoutedvigorously.



-- Windy donkey as he was, it really amazed me that he could have the face to talk thus to mine.



-- The donkey laid himself down upon a heap of straw in the yard, the dog stretched himself upon a mat be-hind the door, the cat rolled herself up on the hearth before the warm ashes, and the cock perched upon a beam on the top of the house; and, as they were all rather tired with their journey, they soon fell asleep.



-- 'Romance, however,' Flora went on, busily arranging Mr F.'s Aunt's toast, 'as I openly said to Mr F. when he proposed to me and you will be surprised to hear that he proposed seven times once in a hackney-coach once in a boat once in a pew once on a donkey at Tunbridge Wells and the rest on his knees, Romance was fled with the early days of Arthur Clennam, our parents tore us asunder we became marble and stern reality usurped the throne, Mr F. said very much to his credit that he was perfectly aware of it and even preferred that state of things accordingly the word was spoken the fiat went forth and such is life you see my dear and yet we do not break but bend, pray make a good breakfast while I go in with the tray.'

-- There was nothing to do, and he would do it charmingly; there was a handsome salary to draw, and he would draw it charmingly; it was a delightful, appropriate, capital appointment; and he almost forgave the donor his slight of himself, in his joy that the dear donkey for whom he had so great an affection was so admirably stabled.



-- In the hope of pleasing everyone, she took every-one's advice, and like the old man and his donkey in the fable suited nobody.



-- The donkey was in a state of profound abs traction: wondering, probably, whether he was destined to be regaled with a cabbage-stalk or two when he had disposed of the two sacks of soot with which the little cart was laden; so, without noticing the word of command, he jogged onward.

-- Mr. Gamfield growled a fierce imprecation on the donkey generally, but more particularly on his eyes; and, running after him, bestowed a blow on his head, which would inevitably have beaten in any skull but a donkey's.

-- Mr. Gamfield having lingered behind, to give the donkey another blow on the head, and another wrench of the jaw, as a caution not to run away in his absence, followed the gentleman with the white waistcoat into the room where Oliver had first seen him.



-- "Poor little silly!Don't you know that if you go on like that, you will grow into a perfect donkey and that you'll be the laughingstock of everyone?"

-- He approached the first donkey and tried to mount it.

-- Suddenly the little donkey gave a kick with his two hind feet and, at this unexpected move, the poor Marionette found himself once again sprawling right in the middle of the road.

-- That donkey was worried about something, but I have spoken to him and now he seems quiet and reasonable."

-- He jumped to the ground, ran up to the donkey on whose back he had been riding, and taking his nose in his hands, looked at him.



