may是一个雅思常考词汇,这个词的常用解释为aux. /v. 可能, 也许; 可以, 被允许; 祝, 愿,这个词在很多英文原版小说中怎么应用呢,今天小编就带您了解一下。
-- "Do you know, Mr. Passepartout, that this pretended tour in eighty days may conceal some secret errand perhaps a diplomatic mission?"
-- You may become great doctor.
-- Hourly the University of Winnemac grows in numbers and influence, and by 1950 one may expect it to have created an entirely new world-civilization, a civilization larger and brisker and purer.
-- I see already--and I watch you in the lab before--perhaps you may try the trypanosomes of sleeping sickness.
-- I t'ink perhaps you may have them.
-- Therefore, you will learn the properties of drugs and the contents of prescriptions BECAUSE I TELL YOU TO!If I did not hesitate to waste the time of the other members of this class, I would try to convince you that my statements may be accepted, not on my humble authority, but because they are the conclusions of wise men--men wiser or certainly a little older than you, my friend--through many ages.
-- Translator's Preface few words about Dostoevsky himself may help the Eng-A lish reader to understand his work.
-- In the words of a Russian critic, who seeks to explain the feeling inspired by Dostoevsky: 'He was one of ourselves, a man of our blood and our bone, but one who has suffered and has seen so much more deeply than we have his insight impresses us as wisdom 芒聙娄 that wisdom of the heart which we seek that we may learn from it how to live.
-- 'I may be bringing you something else in a day or two, Alyona Ivanovna a valuable thing silver a cigarette-box, as soon as I get it back from a friend 芒聙娄' he broke off in confusion.
-- In poverty you may still re-tain your innate nobility of soul, but in beggary never no one.
-- I drink so that I may suffer twice as much!'
-- This was the state of matters on the afternoon of what I may beexcused for calling, that eventful and important Friday.
-- Ham Peggotty, who went to the national school, and was a verydragon at his catechism, and who may therefore be regarded as acredible witness, reported next day, that happening to peep in atthe parlour-door an hour after this, he was instantly descried byMiss Betsey, then walking to and fro in a state of agitation, andpounced upon before he could make his escape.
-- This may be fancy, though I think the memory of most of us can gofarther back into such times than many of us suppose; just as Ibelieve the power of observation in numbers of very youngchildren to be quite wonderful for its closeness and accuracy.
-- Indeed, I think that most grown men who are remarkable in thisrespect, may with greater propriety be said not to have lost thefaculty, than to have acquired it; the rather, as I generally observesuch men to retain a certain freshness, and gentleness, and capacityof being pleased, which are also an inheritance they havepreserved from their childhood.
-- I might have a misgiving that I am 'meandering' in stopping to saythis, but that it brings me to remark that I build these conclusions,in part upon my own experience of myself; and if it should appearfrom anything I may set down in this narrative that I was a child ofclose observation, or that as a man I have a strong memory of mychildhood, I undoubtedly lay claim to both of these characteristics.
-- And as for James, you may be very sure he will always like going to Randalls, because of his daughter's being housemaid there.
-- I wish you may not catch cold.'
-- I made the match, you know, four years ago; and to have it take place, and be proved in the right, when so many people said Mr. Weston would never marry again, may comfort me for any thing.'
-- You have drawn two pretty pictures; but I think there may be a third a something be-tween the do-nothing and the do-all.
-- 'A straightforward, open-hearted man like Weston, and a rational, unaffected woman like Miss Taylor, may be safely left to manage their own concerns.
-- Mr. Oak carried about him, by way of watch, what may be called a small silver clock; in other words, it was a watch as to shape and intention, and a small clock as to size.
-- It may be mentioned that Oak's fob being difficult of access, by reason of its somewhat high situation in the waistband of his trousers (which also lay at a remote height under his waistcoat), the watch was as a necessity pulled out by throwing the body to one side, compressing the mouth and face to a mere mass of ruddy flesh on account of the exertion required, and drawing up the watch by its chain, like a bucket from a well.
-- This may be said to be a defect in an individual if he depends for his valuation more upon his appearance than upon his capacity to wear well, which Oak did not.